Tuesday, 22 December 2009

non-believer tolerance of believers? TAKE 3 (religiorant)

sometime in the past couple of weeks, someone said something about non-believers tolerating believers, not sure who it was, but it got me thinking, so thank you if these ideas seem familiar... .... sorry this is so long (and this is part three), not sure if the other two parts aren't too over the top (yes, even for me)...

but the opposite argument, "should believers be tolerant of non-believers?" should have been a no contest, right?

After all, those religions of love and peace and happiness and togetherness and TOLERANCE should not even be thinking about *if* they will tolerate non-believers, as they have already, via the proxy of their religion, declared that they will be tolerant. well that's what I keep reading into the hidden meaning when they say that theirs "is a religion of peace" ..

so, the question is

should non-believers be tolerant of believers?

it seems a rather innocuous and simple question... but in terms of the argument against religion, I think this is *the* killer because, let's face it, believers are *not* tolerant of non-believers, and even though that statement doesn't apply to the majority of the religious, the intolerance shown by the mega-religious minority is so prevalent and so outspoken and so often stupid and so offensive that they can't be ignored... why?

stupidity is contagious

stupidity and deferring to what somebody tells you to think caused the frikking dark ages ... not thinking for yourself is dangerous. The bible is a perfect example - nobody asks *WHY* any of the things are the way they are in the bible. Why did Satan attack heaven? Why is it an abomination for this and that? Why did god send Jesus? Why did god punish Job for no particular reason? Why did god wipe out all life on the entire planet? Why did he let the fallen angels breed with humans.. why why why

so my answer off the top of my head in a knee jerk reaction, is to answer the question with

"why should we be tolerant of believers?" ..


but first, let's put the whole argument out there and establish some context so we can see why we shouldn't have to tolerate "believers"...

and i want to establish precedence (who was there first) in this blog because the religionists have often told me that because their religion has been around for so long that it's *the* religion and it's the right one, of course. I've even read people claim that Islam is the oldest religion, because it has it's roots with that Adam and Eve story.


tolerance - in general terms - would at least in part seem to be the task of the person who was there first, in that they have to tolerate their environment changing around them, right? This includes, the weather, some new person showing up, anything that involves changes really...

I mean, you could show up later on, and have to tolerate the people that were there before you, but, do you really have a right to complain? Even if their customs are brutal? Islam is exactly what I mean, if we go to their country we *must* obey their laws and respect their customs, the same should be expected from them when they come to our country, right?

So we have a precedence where the persons being there first have the most right to want to keep things the way they are, because everything was fine until the change happened, or indeed, give permission for a new way of things to happen, if in fact the new guy coming along has a great idea that would benefit everyone.

analogy: you're standing there at the bus stop, minding your own business whilst looking at the no-smoking sign, along comes some dickhead, stands beside you, lights up a cigarette, and the smoke starts getting in your face... it's not a nice experience. Now you can either:

a) tolerate and ignore it ( "passive tolerance" )
b) tolerate it but tell him to observe the signs in the future ( "active tolerance" )
c) have a word to the fellow to observe the signs *and* cut it out ( "active intolerance" )
d) you can move so you are not downwind of the smoke ( "passive intolerance" )

(( i made up that passive/active/tolerance/intolerance thing (at least i think i did) so if it's stupid, tell me ))

another analogy: think of a sports stadium, we would assume a sporting stadium was to be used for sports, right? so if some clown comes along and wants to make a church out of it and they go about making this happen, do we tolerate this? we say "no! go build your church in the empty lot down the road" .. but just say this stadium, has a big conference room, and the local churchies want to turn just that room into a church for one day a week.. sure, we can tolerate that much, it's only for Sundays anyway. but the point is that the stadium was there first, so logically, it's up to the new person coming along to adapt to the way things are or to get permission from the current owners, if they don't adapt to how things are or are refused permission, then they can go away, right?

well I guess if they were bigger they could just stomp on you and do what they want anyway, and in this case, I would call this "forced tolerance"


so in the grand scheme of things, we start with a planet - life grows, people eventually arrive .. they walk around, do stuff ... then somebody got the bright idea that their was an invisible entity who made it all

is that logical as to what happened first?

did humans know about god first (belief) or did the *lack* of human speculation about god (non-belief) happen first?...

how can it be anything but non-belief coming first?

oh i hear you - you're saying that back then humans weren't smart enough to think of the concept of god, oh wait... you aren't saying that we became "human" the moment we thought up god, are you? are you saying that we are not human, unless we embrace god? your god?

that's the message I get from the religious who want everyone to convert to their way ... why is their way better? why must they insist on me being religious as well?

and fuck you if you're going to say that "I just need to read the bible" .. let me save you that conversation with me

nut: You need to believe in Jesus
me: Why?
nut: So you can be saved
me: Saved from what?
nut: From hell!
me: oh? so how do I believe in Jesus?
nut: you need to read the bible
me: but I did read the bible, that's *why* I'm a non-believer
nut: oh!! you just need to believe in Jesus when you read the bible..
me: wait... uhmmm.. so in order to believe in Jesus, I need to read the bible, but I have to believe in Jesus when I read the bible?
nut: YES!

*face*palms* and that's the simplified version

and i'm serious, these people are out there on the 'net as I've had that sort of conversation several times - i suspect most of the religious don't actually get into this conversation in the first place - because the religious majority are slightly less blinded by Jesus Christ why don't you come save my life now, open my eyes blind me with your light now.


when someone talks about a religious "truth" that isn't verifiable, they are speaking bullshit, plain and simple.

this bullshit may make them feel warm and fuzzy, but this is clearly NOT tolerance, because if they want me to convert, then they are being INTOLERANT because if they were actually being tolerant they would TOLERATE me not being a religious person ....

and i don't give a flying fuck if people care what happens to my eternal soul - I don't know these people who say these scary things like this and they don't know me, how do I know that they are sincere and not speaking bullshit? conversely, how do they know I am worthy of this salvation anyway? - and if my eternal soul is as important a thing as the religious make it out to be, then I'm not going to base any decision regarding my eternal soul by listening to some fucking crackpot who is speaking utter bullshit.

I'm not going to tolerate bullshit and then be expected to base my view of the after life on said bullshit.

These people may think that they mean well, but I'm sure Jesus did not want you to obsess over all of this. It's not healthy at all to believe in such stories as if they are reality, this is no different to these "gamers" who play online twenty hours a day or play old school Dungeons and Dragons for weekends at a time. These nuts are no different to Tolkien obsessed fans who think that the tales of Middle Earth are ancient history and is actually a place that can be visited in New Zealand because that's where the *movie* was filmed. (and yes it's probably not healthy for me to go on this much about religion, and no i don't actually know of any people who think Lord of the Rings is a lost part of the history of the world.)

It's like the imaginations in these people have been tripped or tricked into overdrive and they can't shut them off. Instead of having an imagination that roams the universe, they have an imagination that only dwells on the one thing and when you obsess over the one thing, that fantasy will be very close to being part of your reality. Which reminds of that episode of Buffy where she is in a mental hospital and her Slayer life is a delusion that consumes her so much she doesn't realise she's in a mental hospital and the episode is about her brief return to reality.

When people speak bullshit like they are speaking out from the depths of their delusional state of mind as if their fantasies are fact, of course i'm intolerant, because bullshitters wanting me to believe their bullshit SCREAMS to me that whatever it is they are on about is not to be believed, and that doesn't just apply to religion, that applies to everything in life.

No I don't want to change long distance carriers, No I don't want to subscribe to the "new watchoomacallit widgets" ... keep going on about it and i'll take an active part in denying it ... or in the case of a nuisance companies calling me up repeatedly, they get reported to the authorities for being a nuisance.

So why can't I contact the christian church and get them to tell all the christians to fuck off and leave me the fuck alone???? If the religious repeatedly try to convert me to christianity/islam/whatever, should I not have the right to sue the church for harassment? I'm surprised that I've not heard of someone doing that in the USA actually ...


telling me i'm a sinner - INTOLERANCE

telling me I'm going to hell - INTOLERANCE

telling me I need Jesus - is INTOLERANCE

tell me I need Allah - that's INTOLERANCE

tell me to read the bible/koran - that's INTOLERANCE too

telling me that god loves me - more INTOLERANCE, and you might as well tell me that a pile of shit loves me, and in that case, at least shit is real

telling me anything about your religion - especially when it's not the topic of conversation - is INTOLERANCE

not answering questions about your religion - INTOLERANCE

not answering questions HONESTLY about your religion - more INTOLERANCE

trying to convert me to your bullshit - extreme INTOLERANCE

speaking bullshit and then claiming that bullshit as an answer to a question INTOLERANCE

and this is SIMPLY because I believe in NONE of that shit, because it is ALL BULLSHIT as none of it is verifiable.

If Jesus was such a big wig, then why isn't Jesus plastered all over the history books? and don't tell me about Josephus or whatever his name was, from what I understand of "Josephus" - what he said about "Jesus" amounts to a paragraph or two. That's hardly an independent verification of the Jesus character we know. and yes it's likely Jesus did exist, but whether he is anything like the tales told is another completely different matter.

but what about the opposite, the scientific point of view? (my opposite POV to religion is reason, logic and science) What about when I talk about the moons of Saturn, or stellar nucleosynthesis, am I being intolerant by speaking about things that other people don't "believe" in? Well if these other people have better ideas or more accurate information than me, then I want to hear what they have to say, which would seem to me to be *tolerance*.

The scientific point of view is always open to change, so by it's own definition, the scientific point of view is tolerant as it is open to change, with new concepts, refinements of old ones. more so, if someone can show science is wrong, then they are welcome to "bring it on" if you will.

Knowing you are wrong is just as big a deal as knowing you are right when it comes to science. IF you know something is wrong, you don't try that option again, so it's a good thing to keep your failures on record with science to stop you wasting time on that failed option in the future.

But religion, it's *all* stories, stories which are not supposed to change and things that will not change are INTOLERANT, if they do not change or adapt, how can they be tolerant? Fuck! even a rock will wear away after thousands of years...

any assumption about the complete fantasy that is religion, is being INTOLERANT .. because the ultra-religious assume that the bullshit that they speak is fact, *AND* they expect everyone else to observe their bullshit as fact as well.. Moses is no fact, Allah is no fact. god is no fact, Gabriel, Uriel, Lucifer... none of these things are facts.

Stories change, even recent events may not be reported accurately, I've seen plenty of bullshit on Fox News, no doubt the masses suck all that bullshit up like a sponge ... and these dumb arses are proud of their intolerance, or perhaps it's more accurate to say that they are oblivious of their intolerance.

oh but religion does good things ...

religion had *BETTER* fucking do "good things" - but there is still an imbalance in the ledger because of the THOUSAND YEARS of intellectual vacuum ... the balance is sorely in favour of the religious making it up to the rest of us for all of their bullshit throughout history, at least for another thousand years...

so the tolerance ledger, would seem to be in favour of the non-believers.

it's everyone's obligation to stop the spread of bullshit - and that's not just applicable to religion - global warming - communism - evolution - outer space - socialism - health care - I've heard lots of bullshit from people who think that they are "experts" because they read one article or they hahahahah fucking saw it on Faux News...


just say a child starts speaking rubbish, perhaps the kid is saying that panda bears are from Antarctica - you do not stand there and let the child speak bullshit do you?? - "uhmmm no little Billy, panda bears are actually from mountainous regions of Tibet and China" .. if the child keeps talking about utter rubbish, you ask the kid where they go to get their stupid ideas from... and then you tell this person to stop filling this kid's head with bullshit or if it's their kid, you can feel free to laugh at the parent as they don't give a shit about their kid's future if they teach them bullshit.

by *not* ridiculing them, you *encourage* their stupidity... inaction breeds stupidity

Without trying to belittle the circumstances of homeless people, I often wonder if the homeless people I see are these dumbarses who won't accept reality, speaking bullshit doesn't put food on your table. speaking bullshit and believing it doesn't get you pass grades in school, you want to be serving fries with that for the rest of your life? do you want to end up on the street, unskilled? untrained? scrounging and begging passers-by for change? is that what you want? the world is getting smarter, being a lazy piece of dumbarse shit *will* see you out in the street - COUNT ON IT - although that is no exclusive prerequisite for being out on the street by any means...

giving believers and their bullshit a wide berth retards the intellectual development of the entire human population, because dumbarses tend to breed and pass on their idiocy to the rest of their blood line. Accurate knowledge takes hard work and effort, spouting your mouth off speaking gibberish is EASY, and bullshit should not be tolerated,


Eventually this religious majority will be the people who will be dragging the chain - they will be the unskilled masses of people *demanding* cheaper health care for everyone - and when all those crops fail because of global warming (yes it *is* going to happen) - it will be these bastards who will demand that we - the scientists - save their collective arses by providing cheaper electricity - atmospheric moisture extractors because it never quite rains, think of the Earth ending up like Tatooine ...

i leave it to you how to deal with the idiots... you don't have to not be nice about it.... humour helps.... double negatives too ... and if you are religious and you managed to read all of that... ^_^

16th Dec 2009

The Book of Job, South Park style

Gerald: Hello, Kyle. How's the hemorrhoid today?

Kyle: Awesome.

Sheila: Kyle, we wanna tell you about the book of Job. It's a story from the Bible.

Kyle: I've had enough of the Bible. What has it gotten me?

Gerald: Oh, I think you'll see differently after hearing this. Sit down, Kyle. Uh, okay. You see, Job lived in the east of Jordan a long long time ago. Job was a great man. He was blessed with ten lovely children, a wonderful wife, and many friends.

Sheila: He was godly, and a good man, and fed the poor.

Gerald: He was the most upright and honorable of men, and every day he praised God.

Sheila: But one day, Satan went up to heaven and talked to God.

Kyle: Satan talked to God?

Sheila: Yes, in the book of Job, Satan talks to God. And God says to Satan, "Have you seen Job? He is a great man, and he praises me every day."

Gerald: But Satan said, "Oh yeah? He only praises you because you gave him so much. If you didn't give him those things, he would curse your name."

Sheila: To which God said, "Oh yeah? I'll show you, Satan! I'll take those things away from Job and he will still praise my name."

Gerald: And so, God had a bunch of barbarians come in and slaughter Job's oxen and donkeys, and murder all his workers.

Sheila: Then God sent his fireballs from the sky and killed his sheep and the rest of his employees.

Gerald: And then, as Job's sons and daughters were eating, God sent a mighty wind to collapse the house and crush and kill them all.

Sheila: Job was terribly sad, but he fell to his knees and said, "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away," and praised God's name.

Gerald: So then, Job got painful sores all over his body.

Sheila: He was in terrible, miserable pain all day, every day. But he still kept his faith.

Gerald: God said to Satan, "See? I told you. Job still praises me."

Kyle: And that's it? That's the end?

Sheila: Basically.

Kyle: That's the most horrible story I've ever heard. Why would God do such a horrible thing to a good person just to prove a point to Satan?

Gerald: Oh. Uhhh, I don't know.

Kyle: Then I was right. Job has all his children killed, and Michael Bay gets to keep making movies. There isn't a God.

Saturday, 19 December 2009

The Atheist Jesus ... (religohumour)

and it continues .... i'm still seeing stupid christians believing that atheists have no moral centre whatsoever ...

what a heap of shit, let me do an experiment

are you religious?

what's that? you are?

are you dead?

what's that? you're not?

well then, you can shut the fuck up as the atheist plot to exterminate the entire non-atheist population of planet Earth has either:

a) failed
b) hasn't started yet
c) doesn't exist


you see, there's this dude, right, and he's pretty damn cool .. i think you might have heard of him .. his name is


he's the christian dude up on the cross with the nails right? well, here's something that I've noted from practically every non-believer that I have encountered, that they adhere to this simple philosophy...

"Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you..."

it's actually a simplification of what Jesus said but let's keep it simple.. maybe all us non-believers can be a little less scary by being christathiestians??

LOL!! bahhahahah!

Thursday, 10 December 2009

defender ... pretender ... (religiorant)

the lengths to which you go to defend your faith, merely exposes the degree to which you pretend to have faith...

If you have faith, what's the problem?

If you have faith, prove it.

If you have faith, why do you need evidence outside of it?

If you have faith, how can science conflict with it?


If you don't have faith, but still pretend to anyway, then you're no better than us scientific folk, but welcome to planet Earth anyway. Keep your arms and legs inside the carriage at all times and enjoy the ride.

I hope the fall off your high-horse didn't injure you too much, the pressure adjustment and the enriched oxygen levels down here with us mere mortals can make you dizzy, but don't panic, it'll pass, as you get used to it .. next step, is to stop lying to yourself now that you have openly admitted to the rest of us that you lack the very thing you are touting.

"Just relax for a moment. You're free of the carbonite. ... You have hibernation sickness ... Your eyesight will return in time."

Thursday, 3 December 2009

is Satan... our champion? (religiorant)

When You Are Old Enough
To Read These Words
Their Meaning Will Unfold
These Words Are All That’s Left
Though We’ve Never Met My Only Son
I Hope You Know
That I Would Have Been There
To Watch You Grow
But My Call Was Heard
And I Did Go
Now your Mission Lies Ahead Of You
As It Did Mine So Long Ago
To Help The Helpless Ones
Who All Look Up To You
And To Defend Them To The End


Ride Like The Wind
Fight Proud My Son
You’re The Defender
God Has Sent

Ride Like The Wind
Fight Proud My Son
You’re The Defender
God Has Sent

Father Father
Father I Look Up To You
And Heed Thy Call
This Letter Ends My Search
I’ll Live Your Dream
Now Passed On To Me

And I Now Wait
To Shake The Hand Of Fate
Like The Dusk Awaiting Dawn
So Wizards Cast Your Spell
With No Heart To Do Me Well
So It Is Written
It Shall Be


Ride Like The Wind
Fight Proud My Son
You’re The Defender
God Has Sent

I forget where I read all this stuff so - excuse any technically vague inaccuracies!! another rant, rather nasty one with Nazi and Jew jokes and everything... i think my writings are becoming sloppy because these blogs take so long that the "flow" gets messed up .. i spend ages trying to research this shit - so in actual fact, this is an interpretation of the bible, by someone who doesn't just believe whatever it is they are reading ... eg. it's blasphemy - but who is to say the bible itself isn't blasphemy?? if you are that person, then HELLO JESUS!! I didn't know you were reading my blogs!! good to have you on board

and i have actually researched this having read heaps of "Satanic" material over the last couple of decades, but I did stop short of reading the whole Satanic Bible, now that I have it, probably because I realised that it made *sense* ... that was just too freaky for me to read anything that made sense that had the word "Bible" in it's title - even if the other word was "Satanic"! ... so - surprise surprise surprise (think Gomer Pyle) - Satan is probably my favourite bit of the christian story... so


i keep finding/hearing/reading statements that Satan was commanded to watch over the earth.. i thought that that was how i remembered it too, I think it was in the story of where Satan tempts Jesus in the desert, but i can't find the relevant bible verse to hit people about the head with it now .. but it kind of implies it here in Job as well...

Job 1:7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

but one thing i will note from my Satanic journey (LOL!!!), is that i did find that it was apparently Gadrel, and not Satan, who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden.. allegedly


I mean you can't argue with wikipedia, especially when they don't explicitly list the source of this Gadrel story..

I'd never heard of Gadrel before - but it also seems that there is a lot of non-canon texts related to the bible - why weren't they added? - the bible was already confusing so why not go the whole hog? Or was that the point? Create enough gaps in the story to fuck everyone around, so they keep coming back to read the bible, to try and find its "hidden" secrets, where you read until you read what it is that you want to read, even though you have read that exact same verse or verses dozens of times????


this christian mob, they give Satan a bad rap - don't you think? I think I blogged this before but Satan/Devil/Lucifer is mentioned in the bible like a hundred times *less* than Jesus and god - you'd think Satan was mentioned on every page of the bible the way some people go on about it.. like me! haha.. it just occurs to me that I've read every verse that has "Satan" or "Lucifer" and probably "devil" ... so from my point of view it's about fifty-fifty between the evil verses with Satan in them and the rest of them I've read!

and let's do some more basic math shall we? in the bible, god kills something like 2.3 million people - Satan kills something like TEN! I mean come on!! Oh I googled it and there was this clown saying "oh but god *gave* life in the first place" - i reeooollled my eyes and discontinued reading - so it's OK to take a life if you created it? while I won't argue that point, i ainst takin' sides either!

so a killing ratio of about two hundred thousand to one when u compare god to Satan in the bible hey? and if I'm not mistaken, god said Satan could kill the ones that he did kill!!

so excuse me, it is clear to me that this Satan dude is nowhere near as big a demon as god is!!!!

FUCKING . WHAT!! . WHY? . (aka Hitler V god)

see, this is another thing that makes me say *why* when it comes to the bible????

that "why" question in full being "why the fuck do people believe this shit?!?!" it's like making Charlie Manson the hero of the story, or HITLER!! Mein Fuhrer is the hero of the holocaust... oh if it wasn't for Hitler the Jews wouldn't have gotten the holy land so we give praise unto Hitler.. not!

god is way worse than Hitler - and yet - god is loved!

god killed everyone on earth - if the "Great Flood" happened today that would be six BILLION people dead - Hitler - monster as he was - "only" had MILLIONS of people from minorities put to death - but god didn't discriminate - every person and every animal - yet god's loved? - go figure.. we're a strange bunch aren't we?? perhaps Hitler should have told all those minorities that he loved them before he killed them and everything would have been hunky dory??

not likely

It's against the law to deny the holocaust in some countries! How did god get to be such a big shot, having killed nearly everyone on earth? Shouldn't it be against the law to deny that god has fucked us around big time?

this is why the entire bible failed for me, "why am I supposed to be impressed about tales of a monster??!?!?" ... I too can appreciate Hitler's charisma as a leader in getting the German nation to follow him but that doesn't mean I respect him or advocate the end result of his actions!! So why do people believe these stories when there has never been a character more belligerent and vengeful and murderous than the christian/jew/islamic god?!!

Yet he loves you! I love a lot of things too, ice cream, my iPod, clean socks, and I don't particularly care when my ice cream melts, or my iPod has exhausted its power supply, or when my socks get dirty... I go get another ice cream, I listen to music on something else, I put on a clean pair of socks ...

that sounds a bit more akin to the "love" of this god... oh look two hundred thousand people died in a Tsunami, never mind, got plenty more play things to amuse me...

Why do so many people follow monsters??

So back to the point - why is Satan such a monster? Satan did *nothing*, well, nothing god didn't say he could - well, if he actually exists that is!!

The first thing out of character for Satan was the attack on heaven, the bible even says as much, at least the King James Version says it...

And you know, here's something stupid - so *what* even if Satan does exist and is down here tempting us?? HERRO PREASE!!!

This Satan voice in your head tempts you and you go and do the EVIL VILE thing he tempts you to do??? I'm sorry, whooooo's fucking fault is that? You can blame Satan all you want ( you can blame the dog for farting too ) - but it's STILL *YOU* that is the fuckhead that went and did the vile thing!!! Saying the Devil made you do it just doesn't hold up in reality, and it is admission that you are weak minded, that you are a fool. And we all know the universe has no compassion for fools. ergo "The Darwin Awards".

If Satan told you to jump off a cliff, would you? Learn some self control - maybe it's a good thing all these religious people stay religious - imagine a few billion people suddenly having no moral compass when what they dread becomes true - proof that god doesn't exist!! (insert evil laugh)

Is this why nut case christians fear Satan?? because they DO NOT TRUST THEMSELVES TO TELL THE DEVIL TO FUCK OFF AND DO HIS OWN DIRTY WORK?? That they are easily led astray like some lost puppy following the first person home that comes along that they *need* another fantasy to ward off the first one? Oh god will save me from Satan!!

Yes the imaginary creature in your brain will save you from the imaginary creature in your brain. Well done, fucktard.

Don't look at me like I am a monster
Frown out your one face, but with the other (you)
Stare like a junkie into the TV
Stare like a zombie while the mother holds her child,
Watches him die,
Hands to the sky cryin "why, oh why?"



in 2256BC - supposedly - Job was put through the ringers by god, with Satan egging him on .. but Satan was still one of god's angels at this point as it implies in this verse that Satan was to come and go from Earth .. I assume between Earth and heaven... what else is there to assume that makes sense? (oh I spotted the flaw in my logic - the bible doesn't make sense, but let's assume this little bit does)

Job 1:7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

gotta love how the ALL KNOWING god needs to ASK questions, by the way... does this all knowing thing seem a bit exaggerated?? if god is all knowing, he's deliberately faking it, god is deceptive on purpose .. god has gone out of his way to be dishonest! I mean how can you not love this shit!!! and by all means read the whole chapters to get the context, but Satan only did what god said he could do.

i got the year of 2256BC from this page, http://www.adamictimeline.com/adamic10b.html


So just when was Satan cast down to Earth for attacking heaven?

Apparently this happened in 726BC.. After the thing with Job - WAY after the flood and *WAY* *WAY* after the Garden of Eden.. If you don't like that idea that it wasn't Satan in the Garden of Eden ... remember just a few lines up above? Satan *only* ever did what god wanted him to do .. So if Satan was in the Garden of Eden - who is to say that god didn't tell Satan to tempt Eve? It's clearly demonstrated that Satan follows his orders given to him by god - he did with Job, so why not elsewhere?

The victor writes history to his advantage... something like that ...

Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

Isaiah 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

Isaiah 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

Isaiah 14:15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

Isaiah 14:28 In the year that king Ahaz died was this burden.

and if you go and look up when King Ahaz died - it's around about the 726BC point in time....

which also just happens to be about the same time of that losing of the day thing ...

Isaiah 38:8 Behold, I will bring again the shadow of the degrees, which is gone down in the sun dial of Ahaz, ten degrees backward. So the sun returned ten degrees, by which degrees it was gone down.


The dates are a little out - but this *is* a story we are talking about

However at first before this attack on heaven, Satan, was given the task of looking over the earth, he was our guardian, along with a third of the angels, he was commanded to watch over the earth, to look out for us - from what, I'm not sure...

Now here's the bit I can't confirm, why was Satan sent down to us to watch over us? The only excuse I have found, which I can't re-find, is that god did this because apparently god was jealous of Lucifer's cherub hotness - hmmmm... all the angels must have been giving god the cold shoulder with Lucifer around... ?? mayhaps? But the "evidence" (LOL! The bible used as evidence, I kill me!) clearly shows that Satan was definitely sent to us before the time of Job.

((note to reader: I would really love to find the bit where Satan is sent - not cast out - to earth by god, so if you know, speak up!))

but then after a thousand years or so in 726BC - god read the heart of Lucifer, as indicated by Isaiah up above - and found that Lucifer was coveting the "throne" so to speak - oh really? hmmm... so god is jealous of Lucifer, or at the least, he sends Satan to earth for some reason, and then god just happens to .... discover that Lucifer wants to be top dog... convenient much? It's a bit of a stretch I know, but I've seen worse interpretations of the bible ... Like half a fucking line being used as the basis for the Earth fixed in space at the centre of the universe!

but the point is - what is god worried about anyway? it's frikking god, right? does this not imply that god is capable of being killed, imprisoned, coerced into compliance via threats of what? pain, death? and why did god not actually fight? Supreme being could have just clicked its fingers and bye bye - no more war against heaven...

ie. god must be something less than the "all powerful" bull shit i keep hearing ... otherwise god is a faker, or a coward...

come on people!! how can we believe this story?? - there are people who regard the BIBLE as HISTORY!! this is PETTY bullshit I'd expect from some teenage clique!!! Bible-ee Hills 90210 B.C. ... this is far beneath the likes of a god - the christian god is soooo not 'the' god

how would you feel if a parent got you to look after their kids and then after the kids misbehaved, the parent comes home and kills their children??.. what would you do? would you sit there and just let someone kill their kids?

i wouldn't - i don't give a fuck who you are - the pope - the barking dog next door - Abe Lincoln - the Queen - the Dalai Llama, even GOD!! You want to cause harm to people right in front of me i'm gunna step in


was god so ticked off at this King Ahaz guy that he was going to ..... go back on his word and wipe us all out again.. send an asteroid instead of a flood this time?

I mean seriously, *why* would Satan attack the "immortal" god, you don't do shit when you know you are going to fail, do you? so it's reasonable to assume that there was a mitigating factor in the attack, because what's the point if Satan was going to fail??? Satan must have known he might be able to win, even though he was outnumbered two to one... and let us not forget that Satan and god got along just fine for at least a few thousand years .. maybe millions ... maybe billions ... maybe just short of forever ... so what fucking changed after all that time??

there is no logic in fighting unless the chance of winning is there - a hopeless battle and fight to the death perhaps to go out with a bang is probably the exception - but - Satan didn't get killed did he? not according to the plethora of christians who insist that Satan is still down here leading us into an ashtray

so maybe Satan did us the biggest favour by attacking heaven .... which might have been just enough to make god go the fuck away and leave us alone and stop fucking us around with global floods and such, killing us all.

is Satan ... our Champion?

Did he stop god interfering? evened up the odds? Is this why god sent Jesus?? because Satan would rise up and defend us from the god monster?? to get around the whole attacking earth directly thing, did god slip one in under the door into Mary's VAGINA in the form of Jesus? or did Satan force god to fucking behave and stop being such a fucking arsehole to us by attacking heaven?

or was Jesus, Satan in disguise? (i did a whole blog on that one!) Did he come to give us the right message from the heavens, to show-up the god monster and show that *fucktard* how it's supposed to be done? Was all the "Saint" Paul stuff actually from god, you know the dude that wrote half the new testament, the dude that probably never even met Jesus and yet he somehow spoke for Jesus? .. *that* "Saint" Paul... well, was he god's attempt to counter all the Jesus bullshit about being nice to everyone? I mean god hates fags after all, allegedly. (god also hates eagles!) Is that why the Old Testament wasn't thrown away?? gotta have the people fearing god!! no point other wise! gotta show em the nasty stuff to give em a bit of fear!!!


Another thing is the *whens* of when all this happened - now there is no way to tell when the angels (ie Satan) were created - but this verse alludes to the angels watching god make the universe

Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

it's a bit of a stretch .. but before the universe was made god would have seemed to have made the angels as I can only assume the sons of god referred to angels, seeing how the earth was still on the assembly line and all - does anybody love how fascinating all of this is?

suffice to say that Satan - was on the side of good (well, if you count god's side as being "good") at least until god saw into his heart and the attack happened because the jig was up - but - if Satan had been planning this all along - why didn't god see into his heart sooner? I mean, god fucking knows everything, right?

Could it be that Satan was *not* planning anything at all - Satan was doing what he was told to do, that task being to watch over the earth and us humans, right? I mean this god is ALL SEEING and ALL KNOWING - I seriously doubt god would ignore what it saw in Satan's heart, especially if he was going to over throw god!! especially when it seems that god had cause for concern, seeing how it didn't just snap it's fingers and say "begone Satan, your insolence no longer amuses me..."

So, does it not stand to reason that this all seeing god was about to do something that tilted the balance, that made Satan react and attack heaven? this King Ahaz, god was pretty damn pissed at him for allowing everyone to be so naughty ...

was god just about to smite us again?

and did Satan, seeing how his charge was about to be smotified, did Satan follow his orders to the letter, as commanded by god itself, and rise up with his angels to defend us?

Seriously what else was there to defend us from *apart* from god?

did god set Satan up to fail, only to FAIL himself?

the religious should not read these blogs, they *will* be offended

these are my rantings about religion - i speak fluent sarcasm - know this when you are reading and it will save you some heartache.