still i am seeing people who are denying that global warming is happening - there are even politicians in the USA that are trying to legislate that it's a bunch of bullshit! WTF?!?! Even Australian politicians have been this retarded as well.
global warming is happening - GET OVER IT - the last decade has been the hottest... the decade before that was the hottest at the time, and the decade before that was the hottest at the time too...
it's happening - anyone denying it now is a victim of misleading propaganda or has their head shoved so far up their arse that they can't see reality.
here is the most complete set of data from my local area that i could find from our weather bureau, the Cape Moreton Lighthouse...
as you can see, this particular weather station is out on near the Pacific Ocean so the temperatures will be less variable than an inland weather station. This is because the ocean retains heat better than dry land, meaning temperatures from this station will be influenced by the ocean temperature to a greater extent. ie. places on the coast have cooler summers and milder winters, especially on eastern coastlines.
Inland cities like Canberra are mostly really cold in winter and mostly hot in summer and Brisbane on the coast gets barely a week of cold days in a row, and pretty much every second hot summer day ends in a storm. (well, there has not been a lot of storm activity as of 2014)
This means that the variations in the average maximum temperature for each month, and from season to season will be less noticeable because the ocean is nearby. The ocean also mitigates the effects of random years being hotter or colder, like if one year is hotter than normal, and if the temp goes back to normal the next year, the ocean won't have had a chance to have been heated by the atmosphere.
In order for the ocean temp to be heated up by the sun and the atmosphere, it has to be consistently hotter for more than a year or two. This is also why the seasons are slightly delayed in their arrivals, eg. summer starts in December down under, but the sun is highest in the sky (thus more heat reaches the Earth's surface, as there is less atmosphere to travel through) during November December and January, and yet the temp keeps going up until at least February is over.. The delay in heating (or cooling in winter) is caused by the oceans, in that it takes a while to get them heated, and once they are heated, they tend to stay that way, until at least about March, then it starts to get colder when the sun is no longer directly overhead, so there is less radiation reaching the surface to be heating the oceans as effectively.
Water retaining heat is also why you can get burnt with steam, water vapour retains heat and energy, so it dissipates relatively slowly in the air as it only has the thin air to "bleed off" the heat to, but on the other hand, as soon as steam touches your skin, it suddenly has something more solid than the air to absorb the heat in the steam, that rapid transfer of heat into your skin is what causes "steam burns"..
but anyway, back to the weather data, i've selected the "median or less" to be highlighted in the images below as the median favours "normal" temps and tends to exclude temps that might skew the average (aka, the mean)... but it doesn't really matter, all the data tends to show what I'm saying, have a look at the other settings - the 95 percentile or more shows the hottest five percent of months - mostly grouped into the last decade... same thing for the average as well
from 1913-1990 you can clearly see that most of the months that had temps below the median were loosely clumped together during those years...
but what do we see during the last twenty years?
we see an obvious cluster of hotter months, above the median temperature.
the temperature is going up people, this is a fact ...
find any continuous set of weather data for nearly a hundred years and I'm thinking you'll find similar trends.
Have a look at Sydney, the exact same trend is there too...
so two out of the two sets of data for coastal cities I picked, indicate that the temp is going up, feel free to look up more data.... ask if you don't understand what it all means.
the temperature is going up ... this is happening right now, the trend isn't towards a status quo, things aren't going to remain the same as they are now and it's not going to go away.
If it's our fault, then it's unlikely we can change our ways significantly for at least a few decades.
China have already announced they will look to cut their emissions by 2050 ... that's FORTY years from now ..
that's how dependant countries are on industries that create emissions, that's how dependant we are on things staying the way they are right now..
For example, if China suddenly stopped producing exports, the world would suddenly have to pay lots more, for a *lot* of stuff, and we would probably see a significant percentage of the world population fall below the poverty line because of it, yes, even more people will be in poverty. Which would mean our Western way of life would begin to resemble poorer countries with slums around major cities, for starters.
So regardless of global warming being somebody's fault, there is nothing we can do to stop it, or rather, there is nothing that we *could* do that would not result a drastic shift in how our world of convenience works...
we could stop all the industry, we could stop driving cars, smoking cigarettes, burning coal for electricity, we *can* stop doing all those things.
it's just that we won't, because our society depends on these things and/or too many of us like our creature comforts, and our vices, and our freedoms to escape away in our cars or jet about the planet, and many of us love our motors sports burning up fuel just for the fun of it.
we could stop cutting down trees and stop using quadruple ply lush scented toilet paper to wipe our bums.
we could do all of these things, but we won't.. and why is that?
because we like the good things in life, we deserve to have the good things, do we not?
That's how we were raised, we were raised to think that everyone single person on earth could potentially rule the world, and failing that, become a rock star, a test pilot, an astronaut, etc etc .. we all aspire to far greater heights than we are likely to ever achieve.
We've all been raised, on television to believe that one day we'd be millionaires and movie gods and rock stars. But we won't. We're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.
--[Tyler Durden]
and we deserve the good life, why not? hence, it's obvious why we won't do anything about global warming, we are *selfish*.
but it doesn't matter, a couple degrees increase might not seem like much, but it's a cascade effect.
Already we are seeing things that we never thought about before with the climate changing
Just recently, for example, in the Arctic ocean north of Siberia, the sea is warming up, and guess what? There just happens to be a whole swag of *methane* locked under that previously frozen bit of sea bed, which is now bubbling to the surface.
And if you are wondering, methane is like twenty times more effective as a green house gas than carbon dioxide is, and if all that methane gets released into the atmosphere... well then I hope you don't live too close to the ocean.
The Daily Galaxy - Billions of Tons of Methane Beneath Frozen Arctic Destablizing, Scientists Warn
so what do we do about global warming?
global warming isn't the problem, if global warming is happening, it doesn't matter if we are responsible, it's too late for assigning blame for that now anyway.
it's our attitude of passing the buck to the next guy that's the problem..... the biggest deal with global warming at the moment, is that too many people think it's a hoax. So it's summarily dismissed by the close-minded.. That's the easiest thing to do... that's what the intellectually challenged do all the time about heaps of shit.
Fox news didn't tell them what to think, or rather, they told them to think the wrong thing.
How can we do anything about it when everyone isn't on board with the facts? They dwell over the one report that comes out that had misleading information, and suddenly the whole thing is a hoax?
Come on people, use your head.
the temp is going up - we can't stop it, even if we tried, we're just not smart enough to suddenly be able to provide clean power to all of our industries.
But what we can do, with our limited abilities, is stop the polluting of our planet, and if that just happens to fix global warming at the same time, then so be it
you can
* plant trees and other flora to eat all the carbon dioxide
* use public transport
* conserve electricity, if every person on earth with electricity had one less light operating ... well, i'm sure it would be a good start
* move to high ground
* stop watching commercial television, it shortens your attention span, and inspires you to buy crap you don't need.
* get your news from multiple sources, if you read some fantastic story, check out if some other source says the same
* speak up, get on twitter and retransmit stories you like
* stop misinformation being spread
* ask questions
governments can
* tax the hell out of "wasteful" or "flamboyant" or "excessive" life styles, car racing, gambling, fuel guzzlers, if people have money to waste, they can send it towards useful endeavours.
* encourage purchasing of efficient and practical modes of transport, none of these big engine cars, noisy chopper bikes, no more gold mags on cars and none of this silly spending on cars that have shock absorbers that can make the car bounce like it's on a trampoline
* encourage big business to donate to scientific endeavours, instead of buying off politicians with campaign donations so they'll support legislation in their favour, big business could be using the money to actually *do* something useful and impress society by giving back to all us little people who buy their shit
the point here is that, our selfish ways are going to have to stop, we *need* business and industry to keep going, so we, the regular people need to give up at least some of our creature comforts, because we don't *need* to watch cars go around a track, we don't need to turn on every light in the house, we don't need to buy that Ferrari, we don't need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on weddings, we don't need to buy 2000Watt speaker systems for our single bed-room hi-rise apartment, especially seeing that just having the volume at a minimum level means the whole building can hear it.
people often complain that the rich are getting richer as the poor are getting poorer, but that's the basic concept of *capitalism*, that is the basic model of our western society, and yet people get upset about socialist policies which are designed to remedy that chasm between rich and poor?
what's that about?
we are selfish, and the utterly stupid bit about it, is that most of us don't even reap the rewards of that selfishness, as it's the rich minority that benefit from our covetous society.