Friday, 24 June 2011

the religious majority can get off their arses .. (religiorant)

‎9/11 happened because the Muslim majority refused to stand up to their extremists.. this is no different to christians not doing anything about the likes of the Westboro Church and other hateful christians... when the religious majority wash their hands of their extremist minority, they condone the extremist's actions with their inaction ...

this is the case because what is the first thing that happens when a non-religious person makes a complaint about religious extremists?

1) the religious majority either say nothing or
2) they say their extremists are not "true" christians/muslims/whatever or
3) even worse, the majority try to palm off the non-believer by saying that the non-believer doesn't know the believers religion so they should butt out

in ALL three scenarios described above, *nothing* is being done towards the problem of extremists by the religious majority, so the religious majority are irrelevant to the argument if they are not going to help fix the situation.

if there was no religion for these extremists to rally around, the extremists would just be a bunch of loser mercenaries with a chip on their shoulder, but with a religion behind them, like it or not, if the extremists are not dealt with, the extremists end up *owning* that religion....

look at all the christians who want prudish and stupid laws - imagine if they got their way, eventually those extremists would want people put to death for not believing ... and don't think that will not happen ... what about those gutless christians who make death threats against non-believers for being non-believers? what about the persecution of apostates (ex-believers) in many muslim countries?

no .. persecution like that can not be tolerated because eventually what happens is society ends up living in fear of being put to death for doing or saying the wrong thing .. that's not civilisation ... that's a prison ... the four-story prison walls are not necessary, because everyone is trapped in their minds by fear.

this is why separation of church and state is mandatory for any civilised society - it stops bickering in between religions so no religion can gain new recruits via coercion, violence or other nefarious methods, so separating church and state even protects the existing religious people themselves - imagine the outrage if 100 million USA christians were forced to become catholics in a catholic christian nation?

this is exactly how the dark ages happened, the majority did nothing about the extremist minority and that extremist minority who wanted to control everyone, took over christianity, and it all got out of hand, and then we had a thousand years of intellectual vacuum in the "western" world, due to the fear instilled by religion, having been hi-jacked by the extremist minority ...

Friday, 3 June 2011

more outspoken atheists are required ... (religiorant)

being an outspoken atheist isn't really even required in Australia, not really, at least, it hasn't been for as long as I can remember.

And that's probably because Australians often tell religious fruitcakes not to be dickheads to their faces, even the religious tell the religious fruitcakes to pull their heads in over here, in fact, the religious are often the ones who actually do something about the religious nutters over here.

in comparison to the USA, I can't think of a single incident where the moderately religious people in the USA did something about their religiotarded fellow believers

like with those rapture billboards .. i can only think of a handful of christians saying that Camping had it wrong.


where were the millions of US christians saying that predicting the rapture is not "appropriate"?

it's very apparent in the USA that people are more worried about Miley Cyrus giving young kids bad ideas by wearing skimpy outfits than they are worried about the unnecessary and biblical fear-mongering towards children... ie. in my mind there is no difference to kids being led astray by popular culture and kids being led to fear that the world is going to end as was predicted by those stupid billboards that Camping had put up...

but the whole thing is against what is taught in the bible because not even Jesus himself knows when the end is supposed to happen, so Camping was pretending to be *god* in that regard so where is the christian outrage at this blasphemy spouted by this old fart?

He's *pretending* to be god, there is NOTHING more idolatrous than that!

frankly, if I believed in the christian god, I would be afraid that he would smite the earth after seeing how apathetic we were towards this Camping-clown's false message of doom.

and kids *do* worry about that end-of-the-world and other sorts of god bullshit and there's a big difference to disciplining and guiding children into adulthood to be good people as compared to telling them, that no matter how good they are, god is going to destroy the world at any moment!!

no wonder the world is supposedly going to shit in an ocean of apathy; these christian scaremongers keep ramming down our throats this bullshit of theirs that says that no matter what we do, we're fucked any way.. if anything, those christian billboards should be sending positive messages, like "be nice to each other!" or better still, that money should be directly spent on the needy, like that Jesus guy that these people allegedly follow, said to do..

and the USA does have a big influence on the rest of the world too, so it's not like others around the world are not going to get stupid ideas from this rapture nonsense that goes on every now and then thanks to the Internet....

so not only do atheists need to "come out" in the USA, and good leaders will inspire that, but the USA needs the sensible religious people (and they should be in the majority) on board as well to tell their fellow believers, who go too far with their beliefs to cut out their fricking bullshit, and seeing how the USA has such a big influence, it is the duty of all people, not just the atheists, to stamp out the religious idiocy, in fact, if anything, it should be the direct responsibility of "real" religious people to put a stop to all the religious arse-hattery that is out there.

That's right, christians deal with their fundamentalist fucktards; muslims should deal with their terrorist buddies etc etc and those religious types should leave everyone else alone, you know, until they get their religions of peace to be actually peaceful, they should not bother with anybody else.

the religious should not read these blogs, they *will* be offended

these are my rantings about religion - i speak fluent sarcasm - know this when you are reading and it will save you some heartache.