i am no physics major by any stretch of the imagination so excuse me if this is just total crap... but ...
i've noticed that gyroscopes are devices that tend to want to stay where they are, and that they achieve this by having some mass, that is part of its structure, in constant motion..
so on an atomic scale, with electrons in their "orbits" around their various neutrons and protons, as small as the mass of an electron is, does this electron motion around an atom, provide that same sort of gyroscopic stabilising effect?
making all atoms tend to want to stay in their current location because of this nearly massless electron orbiting about it?
could this be the apparently missing mass that is attributed to the theoretical Higgs boson - the "god" particle, if you will - that scientists are looking so hard to find in the LHC and at other particle physics laboratories??
ps. looks like they found the Higgs Boson .. guess my theory here is losing its merit.
religion is stupid, we know this because we often laugh at others who don't fit in and stick out like a sore thumb, or at the very least, we raise our eyebrows in bewilderment at people who behave very differently to us in some regards. Like those people who dress up and mimic their heroes at movies (Star Wars movie premiers and Rocky Horror reruns etc) and fan conferences (Star Trek conventions) and those medieval weekends (Renaissance Festivals) where people dress up like they did in the middle ages and other time periods.
That's what religion is, except people do it as part of their *real*lives*, like nutters who plunge into their full blown rants about how "Jesus is LORD" and how they praise god and how you just need to believe in Jesus or Allah or the Space Monkeys from Alpha Cygni 3 - and those nutters think that behaving like that is somehow acceptable...
Religion is just a place where people "dress up" and pretend to be "good" when the fact of the matter is, they would probably have been "good" people *anyway*, even without all the religious mumbo jumbo. In fact, they probably would be better people if not for religion seeing how religion often seems to endow you with prejudices against people that are different to you.
And you know, people can have their god and their religion, that's all okay and fine by me... no really, it is, but if you are going to try and spread your bullshit, you should be prepared to defend your bullshit beliefs if you are going to shove them in my face.
I don't care about religion in much the same way that I don't care about cigarette smoke, that is to say that i don't care about it until it's in my face when I'm trying to breathe. ie. I should not have to tell you to keep your smoke away from me, so when I turn around and give you a dirty look, don't fucking stand there like a dumbarse with a look on your face that says "what did I do?" when you know damn fucking well that I'm turning blue in the face from not being able to breathe!
The point being, no matter how much you think your cultural or spiritual or personal habits do not seem to be bothering any of the dozens of other people directly around you, you should take it as a given that *somebody* does not like having to put up with you being an arrogant dick with your stupid fantasy bullshit, and that you should know damn fucking well that it is likely to be making other people uncomfortable and the reason why you put forward your religion all the time is to intimidate people, in the name of god (aka .. your ego) - and if you don't realise your religion could possibly be making others uncomfortable then you are probably one of the people that can't understand why atheists "rail" against religion ....
The only reason most people get away with being a prick with their religion, or any of their other selfish habits for that matter, is because most people are too polite to tell you to pull your fucking head in.
Religion is the "fad" that has hit critical mass where people are so used to having it around, they don't bother telling idiotic religiotards to stop being stupid. It would even be fair to say that some of those people observing religiotards must surely think that the way they carry on is *normal*.
(UPDATE 1/11/2011: although I will concede a resurgence of christians telling christian-religiotards to put a sock in it, but only from Australian christians though, and given the sheer volume of Internet content from the USA I am exposed to - I find US christians to be abysmally lacking in the department of "moderate" christians that have the balls to tell the religiously ridiculous to shut the fuck up. Instead, however, in the USA I have noticed a trend that by the time people are ready to be openly critical of christians, they have stopped calling themselves christians altogether and now refer to themselves as atheists)
And the end result of a fad that has hit critical mass is that your fad allows adults to embarrass themselves, which isn't that bad of a thing, if you are having a bit of fun, that is. Living your life in a fad, on the other hand, is probably not a good thing to do.
Religion is what it would be like if a Star Trek convention had so many people attend that the perimeter of people participating escaped the confines of the convention center and can now live on its own because it now has so many people doing Star Trek things that a feedback loop of Trekkerisms amongst the general population keeps the stories alive such that after a few decades, not many people realise that Star Trek was just a TV show.
Imagine if everyone based their morality on Star Trek? As well as having *everyone* say things like "beam me up" and "Engage, Mr Crusher!" and everyone thought that wearing red shirts was bad luck and that the most popular drink was "Tea, Earl Grey. Hot" and every little girl wanted to be a communications officer like Uhura; and somehow Tiberius was a top ten ranking name for boys and people walked around giving praise to "The Picard", just to name a few Trekkerisms!
Not saying that any of these things are bad, but the point is, what if people went around living in this Star Trek inspired society, but hadn't even seen a single episode of it?
That is what religion is to most religious people, yeah sure people like Captain Picard or Captain Kirk or Spock or Jesus, but if you didn't even watch the show, let alone actually enjoyed the message that it sends - Star Trek, especially Next Generation, sets a very strong example of good morality in my opinion - so, how can you really be a Trekker if you have not seen the show?
If you'd never seen an episode, then how could you possibly understand the message of morality that Star Trek sent? All you have is some weird fad that many people have been conditioned into liking and yet those people generally have no idea that the whole thing is just fantasy, which leads to "apologist" explanations as to why we are not flying around space right now like "we have forgotten how to fly in space and we now live in a 'simpler' time" ....
But this whole us v them thing between non-believers and believers?
well, it is like the non-believing geeks trying to out-do the believing jocks at being popular .... you've probably seen Revenge of the Nerds, right?
it's no wonder atheism is becoming a "religion", it's prudent for it to become such a thing, simply because the religious are too fucking stupid to understand the concept of *not* believing in "something", to be able to understand how to reject it properly....
That's right..
it may just be inevitable that atheism will dumb down its own "brand-name" due to people joining its ranks that need to readily identify with something in order for them to identify with something new that isn't a religion. ie. atheism lacks a *thing* that people can latch onto, which in turn would allow the religionuts to be "defeated" by something that they themselves can embrace.
This is happening already, with all the different "flavours" of atheism. "New Atheism" - "Militant Atheism" - "Christian Atheism" "Agnostic Atheism" ... yes ... christian atheism.... ahem ... oh well ... whatever makes you happy, I guess :-/
I think all these new groups of atheists may very well be people who have recently become atheists and have dumped their religion, but they still need to find something to rally around mentally. "Religion: without the supernatural calories", perhaps? ..
It's kind of like ice cream, a lot of people would not bother to have an ice cream if it was just plain vanilla ice cream. That is to say that, atheism, by itself, just isn't shiny enough to stand on its own to grab the mind of a potential atheist. Which isn't surprising really, because you have to bring your own knowledge and understanding to the atheism party, which might explain why people stick with their religion, at least it is something they can understand, even if they do have it wrong, those beliefs in god cant readily be thrown away as the existence of a god creature cant readily be excluded - eg. for me it is entirely possible this god creature made a blank empty infinite realm of nothingness and over trillions to the power of trillions of years, this realm of nothingness has spawned billions of universes, all via the natural laws of the vast nothingness.
But for me, I can't see why it is not enough to just support your country or the planet you live on, religion is grasping for straws that can't be rejected because of how high and mighty it makes you feel, which in turn, will keep dividing us.
Think of it this way: Imagine that in two thousand years, this time "Star Wars" is the big "religion" and there are all different factions of it (just like christianity has different sects and cults) with constant arguments over how The Force works, or whether Han drew first or not, or how Jabba the Hutt spells his name ... and don't think that is not possible, I've had a christian phundie go ballistic at me when I corrected him for incorrectly spelling Jabba's name "Jabba the Hut" with only the one "t" in "Hutt".
Seriously, you are better off explaining evolutionary theory or stellar nucleosynthesis to your pet cat than you are trying to explain science to a creationist. At least your pet would love you just for the attention you give it.
Instead of wasting your intellect upon people who are willingly intellectually challenged with their "god did it" mantras, non-believers should apply their intellect towards undermining what the believer is touting.
That's right.. I'm saying that atheists using science and logic against the trivial aspects of the believers' religion is like shooting fish in a barrel.
So instead of the non-believer trying to defend their position with science and logic, the non-believer should make the believer *defend* their application of *their* religion. If your position is so strong, why bother defending it if your opponent can't grasp what you are saying?
ie. don't try to explain how your science and logic are correct, try to explain how they have their religion wrong.
and I don't mean "wrong" in the sense of how they believe in the lame crap like Noah's ark and Adam and Eve and any of those other entirely unbelievably wrong stories; I mean in the regard that believers have missed the entire point of their religion.
So stop this "my position is better than your position" bullshit crap against each other - change tact - scrutinise the believer for *not* actually following what their precious religion says to do.
And in the case of christianity: Jesus taught that to get into heaven you need to give to the needy, in three gospels, so exactly who thinks they are going to get into heaven, when they have not done enough (or anything at all) to get them into heaven?
The fact that there is poverty in the world is irrefutable evidence that the Jesus from the bible does NOT exist. Either that or believers flatly refuse to "love thy neighbour" or are totally oblivious to what their precious Messiah supposedly taught them.
Remember, "christian" means "christ-like" , well, it's supposed to, so if you want to say that you are christian, then I expect you to actually *be* christian and being a christian means you give to the needy and if there are needy people in this world, then that means that there are christians that aren't doing what they need to be doing in order to get into heaven! So if there are needy people, then that means christians are not taking the whole give to the needy thing very seriously, so how can they be going to this heaven, even if it does exist?
Being a christian is impossible, if the non-believer is so inclined to argue about religion with the religidiculous, then hit them where it hurts the most, point out all the crap that people are doing that defies their Jesus' commandment of loving their neighbour and ask them why they aren't selling their stuff and giving that money to the needy..
Have a look at how hard it is to be a christian:
* You can't be judgemental. (Mat 7:1)
* You have to sell all your stuff and give all that money to the needy (if you want to go to heaven that is, then you better read Luke 18:22 Mark 10:21 Mat 19:21)
* You can't brag about being a believer. (Mat 6:5)
* You can't brag about being generous. (Mat 6:1)
* you can't commit idolatry or adultery. (ten commandments)
* You can't lie.
* You can't steal.
* you can't pray in public (Mat 6:6)
* You can't lust after your neighbour's possessions or their partner.
* You can't know who the anti-christ is.
* You don't know when Jesus Christ will return and blah blah blah blah
Our entire society is judgemental and if you reckon you're not judgemental, then you've just made a judgemental reckoning, you have just judged that you are not judgemental! greed is rampant, look at all these people guzzling their way into shopping centres and come on, society is getting fat and yet some people still go hungry - "christians" insist on telling us they are christian all the fucking time - hello? Meekness, please? - the point being is that it is a very long list of things that you can call-out the believer on, without even going anywhere near science and logic.
You will get your message across faster if you argue on their level. And it doesn't hurt to speak to christians as if their stories are true.
Imagine arguing with your cat. You can speak to your blue in the face, but your cat can not possibly grasp any scientific notions and logical reasoning on a complex level, so why bother? If you want to argue with a cat, you need to speak its language. But even though pussycatonese is quite a difficult language to master, just meowing at your cat, even if you don't know the meaning, will be sufficient communications with your cat, since it would probably ignore everything you had to say anyway.
well, so fucking what if he is? keep that religious shit to yourself.
let me say it again, the entire point of Jesus and his christianity (which was allegedly called "The Way" back in his time) was to teach people to be nice to each other, to teach them to be "good" people, right?
so how the fuck does Jesus being LORD make you a good person?
it does not and it *can* not make you a good person, because only *you* can make you a good person.
* Just saying "Praise Jesus" or some other neat little phrase doesn't make you a good person.
* Saying a prayer every night doesn't make you a good person.
* Trying to spread the word, does not make you a good person.
* Telling people they are going to hell does not make you a good person
in fact that last one, well, it makes you fucktarded.
That is what Free Will is all about, the one thing we do get to control in life, is whether we are good or evil. You can choose to be a dick or not. You can choose do nothing or do something, and doing nothing, can quite often be the most evil thing to (not) do, especially if you are christian when you've been *commanded* to help the needy and love thy neighbour!
Only the good example you set via your actions can make you a good person, and even then, it's not you that gets to declare whether you are a good person or not, anyway.
Which leads to the point of why the religious should keep their religious views to themselves.
It is only other people that get to decide whether you are worthy of this label that "christians" choose to bestow upon themselves. You don't get to declare yourself to be like Jesus Christ by simply declaring that you are christian...
Call yourself a christian or a muslim or whatever other religious cult you feel like if you want to slap a label on yourself, but if you don't live up to the good qualities that those belief systems supposedly teach, then you are better off not mentioning that you are religious at all and that includes not getting upset when your religious "values" are offended, especially when the central message of your religion is one of peace and tolerance and how you supposedly even *forgive* all those that trespass against you, you remember that bit, right?
So if you say to me that Jesus is LORD, I will consider your statement to be *bragging* that you believe in Jesus and bragging that you believe in Jesus is bragging that you are christian and bragging that you are christian is bragging that you are a good person and bragging that you are a good person, automatically makes me *doubt* your sincerity about being a good person because **nothing** you believe in makes you a good person, how can it?
Your actions define whether you are good or not, so saying that you follow some religion, doesn't make you a good person, *ever*.
eg. Bragging that Jesus Christ is LORD doesn't make you a good person any more than knowing that energy equals mass times the speed of light squared makes you smart.
What does it even *mean* that Jesus Christ is LORD? *show* me how that makes you a good person!!!
This is the basis of why people should avoid committing idolatry, because what you say and what you do are TWO different things. eg. if you say you are a good person, that means nothing, but if you actually do good things, then that makes you a good person so if you go around saying that you are a good christian when clearly you are not - then that is idolatry because you are worshipping a false Jesus. (i describe why this is idolatry below at *** )
Just saying that someone needs to believe in Jesus is idolatry, because just believing in Jesus, like I have said repeatedly here, doesn't make you a good person, because being a good person is what Jesus wanted you to *do*, if we are to believe the point of the stories in the bible.
I know this will sound utterly ridiculous, but you have to *BE* a good person to actually *BE* a good person!! Just saying that you are christian, does not magically make you a good person, and you are fucking up-yourself if you think that it does.
You don't see me going around acting like I am *better* than everyone else just because I "know" some arbitrary thing, now do you? ie. I know the sun will rise tomorrow, but you don't see me bragging about it, seeing how it's such an obvious "fact", you know, like how your particular version of your god just happens to be a "fact" as well?
If it's a fact, then why do you need to keep restating that? ... and yes, this is no different to scientifically illiterate people that keep insisting that evolution is a fact; are you trying to convince others or yourself? "right-ee-oo!! we heard you" - this arbitrary fact of yours that you keep parroting and yet know little to nothing about, well, it doesn't somehow make you more intelligent... and yes again, there really are people like that...
Because that is exactly what you are doing when you try to say that you believe in Jesus, you are saying to me that you are better than me because of one little arbitrary thing, and even if you genuinely don't mean to say that you are better than me by professing that you believe in Christ, then that's just too fucking bad, because that is how I hear your religious mumbo jumbo anyway.
Christianity has put itself up on a pedestal as being the shining light of humanity and somehow that makes you better than those who don't believe and I bet you don't even follow the teachings of your precious messiah, do you?
This troubles me deeply.
Especially when all "christians" do is talk about how they are christian ... that's not being christian, that's just *saying* you are christian, these are TWO different things.
And it should be especially noted here that it was the people insisting upon telling me to believe in Jesus, that were the fucktards who put me off believing in Jesus in the first place. I already believed in Jesus when I was a kid, it was what I was taught, but it was people taking one look at me and assuming that I didn't believe in Jesus and telling me that I needed him, that broke the back of christianity for me. judge not lest thee be judged yourself much?
Practice what you preach or get the fuck out but at any rate I am glad they did, this way I wasn't sucked into the whole "Jesus loves everyone" fucking bullshit that nobody *actually* follows - sure they say they follow Jesus ... but when push comes to shove - they shove back when they are supposed to sit there and be non-violent.
The way I see religion, is that you are making it out to be such that *you* are making those bible stories out to be true, and further more, you are demanding that other people also believe that these untrue stories be considered to be true as well, merely because *you* say they are true.
ahem. who the fuck are you? You are nobody - not one person on this earth can make me believe in anything - sure I might say something, to make you piss-the-fuck-off but I don't have a problem with lying to people who are demanding that I believe in *their* lies!
That's what the religious want when they try to convert or pass along their religion, they do not give a fuck about actually spreading its message of good will, kindness and tolerance, they try to spread their religion so as to make it into an affirmation of their own faith. Which is kind of like talking to yourself in the mirror, telling yourself that you are pretty or that you are handsome.
This would be no different to me going around to people's houses on a Saturday morning telling people that they should "Trust in The Force". I don't give a fuck if you believe in The Force or not, the only reason I would be telling people to believe in The Force, is to reinforce my own beliefs of believing in The Force. If I tell someone about The Force, and they accept The Force, then that's a win for me as it props up my ego. If I tell someone about The Force and the tell me to fuck off, that *also* props up my belief in The Force because I'm so obsessed with it that anybody ragging on it, would just make me even more determined to spread the word about The Force.
Well, that's how religious nuts come across to me. They aren't following what Jesus taught, so clearly they only spread the word to reinforce their own beliefs. Kind of like those people that love to hear themselves talk. I'm a pretty-girl/handsome-boy - kind of like a parrot.
You may think that what you believe in is true, but this does not make it so. The bible is a story and therefore, technically, it is a *lie*, and while it may not be a lie in the sense that it was a lie told with malicious intent, the point is that Star Wars is also a story and all stories are made up, no matter how good of a story it is.
So even if I believed Star Wars was actually real, nothing gives me the right to even begin to try and sell this story as if it were fact, because as soon as I try to make that story true, when it is not true, then that story then becomes a lie.
therefore: all religion is a lie because of the believers themselves who try to spread their religion.
Q) So, what do we do if we don't want our little stories to be considered lies?
A) We don't fucking try to sell them to others!
The logic is quite simple, and only someone who is willingly ignorant and willingly arrogant would continue to try and "spread the word" once they had been told to take it some place else.
So in the spirit of not putting forward anachronistic stories as "truth", the religious should keep their religious views to themselves because there is bound to be somebody that doesn't share those views, or rather, there are bound to be people who don't share your point of view that might resent your proselytising about being a good christian while at the same time you're also being a judgemental hypocritical prick of a bastard, not to mention that stating something as fact, when it clearly isn't - is a *lie* - and that breaks one of those precious ten commandments from that Moses guy, by the way.
The fact of the matter is that *most* people are decent enough at being human beings by default, so being religious makes no difference to being "good", except that the non-believer doesn't go around bragging that they believe in some intangible thing that somehow makes them "good" like the religious fucktards do incessantly.
The non-believer is more inclined to be a good person for the sake of being a good person, the non-believer is not compelled to think that doing good is going to see them rewarded with the gift of eternal life in heaven. Remember the Good Samaritan tale, where even the faithful person would not lend a hand to the injured man lying at the side of the road?
The point being is that unless you truly follow what your faith teaches, then it's best that you not brag about being faithful. So in the case of christians, you've got a very difficult task ahead of yourself to actually be considered a christian, so if you are going to brag about being a christian, then I expect you to be very much a Christ-like individual.
I personally don't call myself christian, because:
* I can't refrain from judging people who demand that I accept them as being a good person, when they are clearly *not* good people
* I don't help out just any person in need, I am wary of people taking advantage of my generous nature
* I don't unconditionally love everyone, especially when people have proven themselves untrustworthy
* I'm only forgiving to a certain extent
* I'm not selfless all the time
* I don't turn the other cheek once you have crossed the line
* I don't give someone my jacket as well when they demand my coat, especially if they are ungrateful
* I refuse to love my enemies, if you are my enemy then that is for very good reason
* I won't let people hurt me nor let people hurt others and get away with it
* I am not willing to die to avoid hurting others, especially if they are hurting me.
These qualities are all the opposite of what you would expect to find in Jesus, so I don't even bother to try and live up to them, therefore: I do not pretend to be christian, because I expect christians to be like Jesus with his "love everyone" mantra.
It's like bragging that you are smart, but then when somebody asks you a question and you don't know the answer, you look like a dickhead and say "Oh I'm not smart in *that* field of discussion!!"
Same with bragging about being a christian, unless you are willing to die for me; willing to "love" me even if I try to kill you by nailing you to a cross; unless you forgive me for every heinous act I could possibly enact upon you, then you shouldn't be bragging that you are a christian.
I am not saying that I would do horrible things to you, but it is the principal of the concept. Being christian, means that you are supposed to be Christ like. So unless you are willing to go through the same sort of crap as you might have seen in "The Passion" then you shouldn't be bragging about how much you are like Christ by telling everyone that you are christian...
I think of christians in much the same way one would consider Padawan learners (a Jedi in training), if you are a Padawan, you don't go around saying you are a Jedi yet and if you do, your Master will remind you that you are still a Padawan and that Jedi are humble. In the same regard, christians should not brag about being christian unless they are truly selfless and Christ-like, and if they were truly selfless and christ-like, then they would never mention that they are christian in the first place, at the very least, it should not be an unsolicited admission. ie. don't talk about your religion unless you are asked to talk about it, because if you actually were christian, your christianity should show via your actions.
So if you are going to say that you are christian and tout your views, that's fine, but one should expect to be challenged when these "christian" views are put forward, because stating something as fact, when it clearly isn't, is a *lie*, and that breaks one of those precious ten commandments, by the way. Yes I said that already.
believe in whatever you want, but if you believe in something that says "be nice" or "don't lie", then I expect you to follow those rules, if you can't do that, then keep your religion to yourself, because it is rude to pretend that you are a good person.
Believers should be aware that using things to lend credence to their religion is idolatry.
A blatant example that might not be so blatant for those not looking for it could be briefly expressed by the following phrase:
"Just because your god made the universe, that doesn't automatically make you a good person."
Let me elaborate upon this:
god making the universe - as grandiose a task as it is to make everything that us mere mortals know about - is a pathetically boring and mundane task for a god. Which might explain our universe if the christian/hebrew/muslim god truly did make it in six days - god had like a gazillion years to make and plan our universe - but it would seem to be a rushed job .... I saw a comic about that recently at Two Leaf Clover ...
The point being is that god making the universe is just some arbitrary fact about your god - and a fact is about a thing, so if you believe in god because it did this random thing, in this case, making the universe, then you are using that *thing* to prop up your beliefs. You use this thing, this idea you have that god made the universe, to help you believe in god... and many people *do* believe in god in general terms (ie. not just christians) because for their minds their is no way the universe can exist without some higher power being involved at some point in the construction process.
and you know - good for you if you want to believe in that sort of stuff - but if that is *all* you do when you believe in the christian Jesus/god and you aren't following what your precious messiah said to *do* to get into heaven - then why call yourself a christian or a good person?
What makes you a good person, is actually *being* a good person, and if you claim that following your religion makes you a good person, then you had better show us that you are following it otherwise you are bound to be called out on your bullshit.
*** If you can't show that you are a good person, and yet you claim to follow the Jesus from the bible, then you've made up your own Jesus. And clearly, if you have made up your own Jesus, no matter if this Jesus is mostly based on the one from the bible, then you are committing idolatry, because if you follow a Jesus that somehow lets you be a prick some of the time, then that is not the Jesus from the bible, so you are worshiping a false Jesus.. ie. a false god... thou shalt not worship false gods much?
I encountered a very hostile "christian" recently who was nothing but rude and condescending, who would hit-on every female with overly sexual comments in some discussion forums and yet he maintained that he was a good christian, simply because he loved his wife.
To that fucktard I would say .. "No, you stupid prick, you do not believe in the Jesus from the bible, you have made up your own version of Jesus that sees you love this one person and yet allows you to be a prick to every one else - *clearly* that is a false Jesus as the JC from the bible said to love everyone, so you are worshiping a false god, and that breaks your precious first commandment" ...
I didn't bother actually explaining this to him - as he was clearly far too stupid to understand. But many "christians" act like this. Some try to make up science based on their bible - but if you need real life confirmation of what's in the bible, then I find your lack of faith ... disturbing.
The easiest place to commit idolatry, is right there in your mind - where you can make up your own versions of Jesus that resemble the Christ from the bible, but are clearly not the Jesus from the bible, seeing how much of a prick you are to everyone who doesn't worship the ground *you* walk on......
I first "rejected" religion in preference to reality when I was very young, it was something to do with dinosaurs, I'm sure, because I was told that the bible says that the world was thousands of years old - but then I read about dinosaurs - and dinosaurs weren't just a few thousand more years older, meaning to say that the age of the world as indicated by the bible isn't just a little bit off, dinosaurs are ten thousand *times* older than the bible and its six thousand year "history" had described. In terms of percentages, the Earth's age according to the bible, is only 0.01% of the time since the dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago. That's not just a little bit off. That's a bit like thinking you can launch a rocket into space with a bottle of lighter fluid.
I remember saying to someone at a very young age when talking about dinosaurs "so, that means that the bible is wrong?" and the reply was "pretty much!" ... I wonder who that was?
I also remember being in Sunday school once (maybe twice) and the Catholic Sister was telling the class some thing that I thought was utterly hilarious, but before I laughed out loud, as everyone was quietly listening to the Sister I looked around to see who else was laughing ... nobody else was laughing, they were all paying attention to this bullshit that was being told. I don't remember going to Sunday school that many times...
Later in life I tried to reconcile, for fun really, that whole bible thing and its six days was actually meaning six billion years - but I remember not being convinced that I needed to be convinced that religious gods were a fabrication by that stage.
science was just so much more interesting and fascinating than this grandiose god story that seemed to be so full of holes - like Noah's ark - I remember reading about that in the bible - and that was the end of my bible reading because I went off on a tangent at that point and went looking for corroborating evidence about this "Ark" - I clearly remember watching a documentary "In Search Of... Noah's Flood narrated by Leonard Nimoy" too, about the search for Noah's ark ... but that set me off on even more quests for knowledge!!!
So Noah and his Ark was just the first hole in the armor broken and I didn't really bother with christianity/church much from there ... but I did learn that "Jesus loves everyone" very early on, but that was pretty much it ....
So basically the only thing I learned was that Jesus loved everyone, so you can imagine just how ticked off I was at people calling themselves christian that did not love everyone. In fact, I'm pretty sure at one stage that I considered christianity and the catholic church to be two different things.
At some stage in my teens I noted that there were multiple churches - and then I read that "my" Roman Catholic Church and the Church of England (Protestants) split up and that many people died in all of this split - so I figured that why would I follow something that the church itself can't follow? I had also seen Monty Python's Life of Brian by then so religion became cannon fodder early on because of how stupid I found it to be. I clearly remember cursing people to hell for the most trivial of things for decades - of course I don't mean it - so as a reflex action, I mock the concept of the often arbitrary definition of "sin" and how that supposedly results in an eternity in hell - my favourite is to damn people to hell for interrupting my listening to ABBA.
Then I went through the whole I hate god thing - but god turned out to be my ego and then god died like an imaginary friend that you notice that you don't believe in any more suddenly one day after fifteen years of not thinking about it! ... And by that time my biggest dilemma with god was that I kept saying "god this" and "god that" - so I got around that by considering that every time I used the term "god" - I was referring to the universe. Which I later found out is "pantheism" (god is everything, everything is god) ... which is very close to the Jedi and The Force, with its all encompassing energy field that surrounds us and binds the universe together. (our universe's size is pretty much defined by how far energy radiating from it has travelled, an all encompassing field of energy defines our universe, and as it turns out, our universe is mostly energy - except for all the empty bits!!)
But now I'm at the "yes religion is stupid, but so fucking what?" stage ...
So finally to summarise
When speaking to an overly religious person, who doesn't really follow their religion in the first place (oxymoron==true), telling them some "thing" about their precious religion is irrelevant - they don't give a crap about some mundane little part of the story - they don't even care about the whole point of their religion!!
it's like saying Star Wars isn't cool, to a Star Wars "fan" that has never seen any of the movies
"I don't care what you think about Star Wars, I still like it!" (but has never seen any of the movies)
"I don't care what you think about Jesus, I still believe in Jesus!" (has not read the bible nor has done anything for the needy)
So belief in a christian god, is merely a crutch, to help you deal with the myriad of complexities in your life.
But that isn't necessarily a bad thing because beliefs *can* be inspiring, but they can also be detrimental.
So if one is to believe in god, one should actually aspire to the (good) goals represented by this god, but if this god is your own personal god, then feel free to make it *all* up, but if you want to be christian, then there is already a whole bunch of stuff laid out that you need to do in order to call yourself christian ...
while i may not believe in a "god", I believe, or at least, I want to believe, that human science will result in our achieving some measure of immortality for everyone and that we will know a hell of a lot of stuff about the universe if we can stick around for another thousand years, probably enough to get us off this rock and spread across the galaxy - but none of these levels of greatness that humans may achieve will ever mean that god does not exist
how can human achievement ever out do god? it's *god*, fuckwit! if humans can defeat god somehow, then that is because humans didn't set the bar high enough when they defined this "god" that is suddenly able to be replaced by humans.
while I may not believe that our "spirits" will ascend to some higher plain of existence, I do believe that it is possible that one day our consciousnesses will be transferable to some sort of computing device, giving us a virtual "ascension" into the "network" and as long as the network survives, you will be immortal ... who knows, maybe this is how we'll explore the galaxy, we upload a copy of ourselves to some sort of space probe and we would live our virtual lives roaming the galaxy, perhaps at first setting up communication relay stations here and there about the galaxy.
i also believe that one day, we'll figure out quantum entanglement too, so those relay stations I just mentioned would be capable of instant communications across light years of space, so not only could you upload yourself to this space probe, you could interact instantaneously back with the "real" you, or in fact you could interact with other copies of yourself, seeing how your real body died tens of thousands of years beforehand.
so in that sense, my belief is also a crutch, because right now, everything that I believe in, is still somewhat based in fantasy. I would guess that most people have beliefs that are warm and fuzzy but not necessarily the complete truth as well.
But for me, without that belief system in place, existence would seem rather pointless, because if we're just here to go around in fucking circles and "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it" like the religiotards would have us do, then we're just going to end up killing ourselves whilst competing for resources and if that is the direction where we are most definitely going, then there really *is* no point in existing as your actions in the here and now really *would* be pointless without a hopeful future on the horizon.
Which incidentally, is what the online religidiots (rhymes with village-idiots) tell us anyway: "if we don't believe in god then our existence is pointless."
. . . . . .
mostly written.... 24th June 2011, mostly.... most of the blogs I have written of late end up blowing out to almost novel lengths, so I give in ... you will have to suffer my long rants if you want to read as I can not be fucked trimming them down to page sized rants any more...