Thursday, 26 September 2013

it's not that i don't believe in god, it's just that i can't....

when i think of god, i think of it in the grandest of terms that i can possibly think of, which still falls short of what a god should be, because it's fucking *god* for fuck sake and when I say "god" I mean the *actual* being if such a being were to exist and NOT the "god" that is in fact a person's ego pretending to be god by flapping their mouths off about how fucking great their god is!

that is to say that i believe that if there actually is a god, then it *must* live up to the commonly thrown around definitions of a god creature and not some half-hearted piss poor version of "god"...

ie. it is the ultimate being; the creator of everything; it is infinitely powerful; infinitely clever; is infinitely old; is everywhere and nowhere at once... anything short of that and it is NOT god.

the description above is one of a being that would seem to be far beyond the mere understanding and perception of humans so is it not just a little bit arrogant to even acknowledge the mere speculation of the possibility of the existence of god?

before you get all butt hurt, let me explain...

one of the words that is often thrown around to describe god is "infinite" ... if you had a quadrillionth of something that was infinite, you would still have an infinite amount, so to know anything of god, even its mere existence, is to overstate your own place in the universe because the only way you could categorically state that you definitely know that there is a god is if you became god yourself.

And NO. ... your *feelings* that god exists do not count as proof, they are proof to *you* that it exists, they are not proof to me because i don't share your feelings and I am not obligated to share them either, so your feelings are most certainly *not* proof of god's existence to me. Your feelings are your own, so in fact, don't expect me to take those feelings of yours about *anything* as proof of *anything*.

and even if you do co-incidentally and actually know something of god - *somehow* - then how exactly *do* you know? What is your basis of recognition? eg. if you saw an alien, how would you know that it was an actual alien and not just some bizarre creature from Earth that you'd never seen or heard about before? And even if you did have knowledge of god, regardless of whether you can prove it or not, your nano fibre of god-knowledge is so utterly small and insignificant then what is the point of even mentioning it? It's like boasting about having painted a single bolt on the frikking Sydney Harbour Bridge, so fucking what? What about painting the rest of the fucking bridge?

I can only think that the entire point of mentioning god *is* to specifically overstate your importance and place in the universe, that is *why* people believe in god, it gives them a connection to something that *is* infinitely powerful and knowledgeable and old and [blah blah blah, insert all those superlatives]... it makes you bigger and more significant in your universe when you believe in god.

but it's an ego trip and that is all it is ... and i'm not saying that there is anything wrong with that, but that is what it is... For most people, god is in fact, their ego speaking...

* god likes christmas? no, *you* like christmas
* god hates fags? no, *you* hate homosexuals
* god says I should pray? no, *you* are saying that I should pray
* god says to believe in Jesus? no, *you* are telling me to believe in Jesus

and so on and so fucking forth....

and this is why you should keep your belief in god to yourself, because if you do keep your god to yourself, then that says that you are safe and secure in your faith without feeling compelled to tell other people about how fucking great it is in the hopes that they will also be believers and give you positive feedback to your speculation that god exists and is, in fact, great.


People who are not secure about their faith, go on and on about it all the time to provide themselves with reaffirmations about how great god is. However, if *I* believed in god, i would keep it to myself because to allege that I have knowledge of something that is beyond all human comprehension, for me, is to brag that I am *far* better than the next person who doesn't believe in god, or even bragging to the next person who does believe in god that *I* am a *far* "better" believer than they are.

my point is that if god is truly an infinitely old/clever/etc being then how could we possibly possess any knowledge of it at all from our mortal perspective and how could we possibly know that this knowledge was from god in the first place because to have knowledge of god is to have proof of god and if you have proof of god, then it's not very god-like in its proof, seeing how it possesses attributes that can be identified and verified as being godly by mere and lowly mortals.

Yes, what I am saying is that as soon as you mention god, it can no longer possibly be god because *you* have just put a mortal limit on its abilities.....

Boaster: "My god made the universe!"
Realist: "What? just *one* universe? that's not very god-like..."

Sunday, 22 September 2013

"atheist" is a self defeating label...

I think "atheist" is a self defeating label because for my mind, the atheist is supposed to be free of this incessant need to apply a label to themselves that apparently defines them like many other people do. eg. Republicans, democrats, christians, hindus, muslims ford drivers, barbeque sauce lovers, rah rah rah rah... at least with those things, we can point at something and say, at least partially, "Oh that is what an xyz is about!"

But for atheism, there is nothing to point at, you can't point at a non-existent thing and say that that defines you.

So what is it that defines an atheist?

Is it a lack of belief in gods and/or the supernatural?

Ahem... No... that does not answer the question of what defines an *atheist*.

The word "atheist" literally means "without god" from the Greek "atheos" ... a- "without" + theos "god" .. right?

Well, that may be the definition behind *atheism* but that is not what defines the person that is the atheist, how can it?

How can a lack of something define you; the person, the character, the human being that is you??

There is a definite lack of mountain climbing in my life, so does that define who I am? No.

So how can a lack of something or even not participating in particular activities, define a person? It can't..

What defines the character of a person tends to be what that person actually does *have*, not what they *lack*.

So, what defines a person as being an atheist is that they *have* the ability to choose what to believe (in) or not, even if the atheist never makes a choice of what to actually believe, the atheist is free to be an individual and make up their own minds about what is and what is not when it comes to those big questions of god, life, the universe and everything.

A lack of belief does not define an atheist, the ability to make their own *choice* as to what to believe is what defines an atheist. The atheist is free to be their own person *without* having their thoughts supposedly based on some predefined way of thinking.

Morals, religions, gods, miracles, whatever... the atheist is defined by being free to believe whatever they want to make of all that stuff without a predefined explanation for the universe, without being burdened by stories that were told verbally thousands of years ago when we had a very rudimentary understanding of the universe...

Being an atheist is all about being yourself and making your own individual choices about the big questions in life, so why not start right at the beginning with you being an individual and refrain from choosing a label that inherently degrades your status as an individual *because* you have chosen to label yourself with something doesn't define you in the least....

that is to say, why even call yourself an "atheist" in the first place when being an atheist is all about being an individual? By calling yourself an atheist, you will set yourself into somebody else's predefined bucket of labels for people, perhaps even your own.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

religion won't die if you keep using petty arguments against it...

this could probably use a re-write, but i'm too lazy... mostly written 17/7/2013, mostly...

religion would die a lot quicker if the people rallying against it would stop focusing on all the petty, stupid, bad and just plain silly bullshit that forms the majority of religions, especially christianity.

The followers of religion simply don't give a fuck about all the petty and stupid stuff that forms part of their religion, they don't give a fuck if it's right or if it's wrong, they just want you to believe it and it doesn't matter to them that it is or isn't correct!

So just what makes people think that they can change somebody else's mind about something they love by ragging on the stupid bits of it? And yes people do love their religion, it doesn't matter that it hurts them or keeps them dumb, they *love* their fucking weird-arse stories anyway and I'm no different, I just don't consider the weird arse stories I love to be a fucking religion!

It's like pointing out an insignificant flaw in someone's favourite movie and expecting that they will never watch that movie again because it was *you* that pointed out that flaw... big fucking deal and seriously, just how up-yourself are you to think that *you* can get somebody to stop loving something because of some trivial aspect of it that you've pointed out?

As an example: the Bible and its story of the "Great Flood" ... ahem... So-fucking-what if the world could not possibly recover after Noah's Flood in less than a few thousands years, seeing how nearly all photosynthesis across the entire globe was suspended for a year because the earth was allegedly covered in kilometres of water!

So-f-u-c-k-i-n-g-what!?!?!! Noah and the Ark is a *story*..

That Ark story was totally full of shit but it was a totally full of shit good story. I liked it, it's more than likely that the totally unbelievable story of Noah and his Ark that was what made me realise religion was a piece of shit in the first place.

People just don't give a fuck about your opinion about the things they like/love that some busy-body like yourself thinks is stupid.

Try and tell a Star Wars fan about one single flaw in the Star Wars saga or a dozen flaws in Star Trek to a "Trekkie" or hundreds of flaws to a Doctor Who fan who has watched and noted those very flaws in the dozens of times that that fan has watched all of those episodes, in fact, that particular fan of Doctor Who is probably *where* you got your list of Doctor Who flaws in the first place.

So have I made my point yet? Ragging on what people love is NOT the way to get them to stop loving that thing, in fact, if you rag on something a person likes, then they are just as likely to clutch even harder to that thing and like it even more, just to spite you.

eg. if somebody ragged on Doctor Who, I'd just say "fuck you!!" and then go have a Doctor Who marathon in honour of the dipshit fucktard who just tried to rag on Doctor Who.

Sooooo.. what is the solution?

Instead, the anti-religionist should focus on the minuscule amount of good stuff in religion that the religious don't give a flying fuck about either...

i mean, seriously, how can anybody in the overly selfish Western society seriously claim to be christian?

seriously? come on! really? hmmmm... I seriously doubt it ....

The purpose of following christinsanity is that you get to have eternal life in heaven if you're a "good" person, right?

But what a lot of people conveniently forget is that this Jesus character apparently said that to be a "good" person, you have to actually *do* good deeds without any thought for reward in order to get into heaven...

From the bible itself (and please, read the whole chapters before saying that they are out of context, I fucking did)

Luke 18:22 Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

Matthew 19:21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go [and] sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come [and] follow me.

Mark 10:21 Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.

Are christians willing to sell off all their stuff and then give up all that cash they've just made after selling all their shiny things (probably for way less than they bought them) and give that money to the poor?

Well?? and please, don't lie, it's not very fucking christ-like...

This is exactly why I don't follow christianity as it would be a lie for me to think that I was getting into heaven unless I willingly sold my things and gave that cash to poor people in need and then willingly chose to live in near poverty.....

fuck that!! I'm not giving away all my stuff just so some strangers can eat, I like my stuff too much to go and do something like that.

I seriously doubt that there are christians who would give away all their stuff and then give that money to the needy. It's just not practical to give away all your money, but that is exactly what that Jesus guy said to do, so if you aren't doing that, then you can fuck-off with this fantasy of getting into a christian heaven because you aren't getting past those pearly gates.

Oh what's that? You *do* give away some money to the needy? *some*?? ... No... that's not how it works.. there are still needy people in this world in spite of you giving a little bit away, so as it stands, good little christian person, you have NOT given away *enough* of your possessions to be calling yourself christian because there are still needy people.

Seems to me that most christians are getting a free ride on the backs of other christians who actually *are* doing Christ-like things, who actually *are* donating significant amounts of money to the needy. No, that's not how it works either. *YOU* *yourself* have to do good deeds, not lay claim to the good deeds of other christians just because you deem yourself to be a christian as well.

How much is enough then? 10% ... Half? How much then? hmmm... well? If the richest ten percent of christians (about 100 million people) gave up 10% of their income, people in need across the world would be a thing of the past...

So in summary, the true way to destroy religion is to berate religious folk for not actually following what their precious religion supposedly taught them to do.

ie. Jesus said to love everyone, so anyone claiming to be christian that shows even one iota of bigotry or intolerance or hatred towards anyone at all, is not a christian. People opposing religion should focus on the greatest hypocritical aspect of religion: The fact that little to no-one is actually following it and those who are actually following it are unlikely to be in your face arguing with you about the trivial and alleged aspects of their religion so pretty much *Every* argument against religion is already won unless, of course, you like to argue about stupid stories that somebody made up thousands of years ago?

Friday, 12 July 2013

atheism... around and around in circles....

too often i see non-believers pointing out the stupidity of religion, especially christianity, what with its biblically tall stories of talking donkeys, global floods, humanity descending from only two people, dudes walking on water, raising the dead etc etc etc....

i find this disappointing, because so fucking what if christianity is full of improbable tales? What difference does it make if christianity is an utter joke? Telling christians their religion is stupid is no different to telling someone that "Star Trek: The Next Generation" is stupid. So what if it is? As long as the person gets good things out of it, then so what?

the point of the bible is not in the particulars of its stupid stories anyway, those details describing the stupidity of christianity are irrelevant; the point of the bible and indeed, the point of *christianity* and the point of being a frikking christian in the first place is that everyone is to love one another, without exception.

The whole thing was summed up in the two commandments of Jesus, not the fucking TEN commandments. I know TEN sounds far more frikking impressive than TWO but the two commandments cover the TEN because the second commandment can be regarded as a generic guiding sort of commandment.

That is to say if you apply the "Love thy neighbour as you would have them love you." commandment to the TEN commandments you get things like, "don't steal... if you don't want people to steal from you", "don't lie... if you don't want to be lied to" and so on, "don't covet someone's stuff... if you don't want them to covet your stuff" etc etc etc...

So instead of berating christians for believing in something that has stupid stories as part of its overall "philosophy", berate them for *not* actually following the point of what those fucking stories in this bible of theirs were allegedly supposed to teach them!

Show me one person who actually does love everyone.

Go on. Here is a list of things to help you decide what excludes you from loving *everyone*.

** If you own a gun with the intention of defending yourself, then you do not love everyone because you are willing to *shoot* and possibly *kill* a person in order to defend yourself. That's not loving everyone therefore you are not a christian.

** If you support war; the death penalty; assassinations; torture; They aren't examples of loving everyone therefore you are not christian.

** If you are racist, bigoted, misogynistic, rude, mean, bullish, cruel, then you can hardly claim to love everyone and therefore you are not christian.

** If someone rapes your child and you hit that person, then you do not love that rapist. You do not love *everyone* and therefore you are NOT christian.

** If someone slaughters your whole family, would you hate them or love them for it?

See what I mean? How can anybody love every single person in this world without exception?

And *yes*, this is what Jesus taught. The prime example of this was when he was being tortured and was then crucified. He was supposedly the son of god and if we allow for the story told as told by the narrative of the bible to be true, he gave proof of this by performing all those charitable miracles like healing the sick, feeding the poor etc; In other words: Jesus could have stopped his torment at any time but he chose to NOT fight back because to fight back would involve hurting someone and hurting someone, anyone at all, is NOT loving everyone.

That is the point of christianity. Do no harm and love everyone, no matter what the fuck they do to you or the people you love, even if they try to kill you or the people you love.

"Forgive them father, for they know not what they do" ... that is what somebody purporting to be christian should say whenever they are being persecuted or hurt or killed.

Them's the rules. What's that? You don't like them? Then stop fucking pretending to be a christian.

It's that fucking simple.

The first three hundred years of christianity is littered with stories of martyrs who were actually following Jesus' teachings. There are stories of people with gouged out eyes, deliberately amputated hands, stonings, burnings at the stake, crucifixions etc etc etc. Look up the "Age Of Martyrs" if you want more details, I won't bore you with historical fact.

But no-one follows the rules as set down by Jesus these days because he set the bar so fucking high that the vast majority of present day christians don't even realise that they are nowhere near to adhering to the point of JC's alleged teachings ...

The point here is that christians don't care about the fucking bullshit stories in their bible because they don't even care to follow the fucking "love everyone" point/commandment of their precious christianity either - and I don't have a problem with that, everyone has the right to defend themselves, but christians are openly contradicting their Messiah and that is a fucking lie and if you walk around telling lies, then you are a piece of shit lying cunt.

Sorry, but that's what you are, don't want to be regarded as a liar? then either throw away this christianity that you aren't actually following anyway or shut that flap-trap of yours that keeps bragging that you are christian or - heaven forbid! - you actually start following Jesus' teachings to the letter.

It's that fucking simple.

They are the *only* three options christians and yes, I don't give a flying fuck if you call yourself christian and don't brag or even mention anything about it, that's fine by me.

So my message to atheists is to tell christians to stop being such liars by telling them to stop this bullshit farce of pretending to be christian because the vast majority of christians are not anywhere near the ballpark of actually following their precious Messiah, not by a long shot and if atheists can't do this, then these religious and anti-religious "crusades" they find themselves in will drag on for centuries.

Mark my words, the only reason christianity isn't dead already is because atheists are being too tolerant of christians and their inherent inability to follow their own precious religion.

Friday, 1 March 2013

the atheist mistake.....

i don't regard myself as being an atheist, even if that is what I actually am because for my mind atheism is a mere affectation, it is merely a useless label that means nothing to me and couldn't possibly convey what sort of person I am to others, so I wouldn't call myself an atheist because it would feel like I was speaking bullshit.

Which is no different to anybody else to be honest, because people tell me they are American, Australian, New Zealander, Ford driver, Holden driver, chocolate lover, a tea drinker, a coffee drinker, vegan, meat lover, christian or atheist or whatever other banner it is that they fly before themselves that makes them feel like they belong to their particular group and be proud of belonging to that group but no single banner can tell me what sort of person you are, how can it?

But if people want to fly their banners, then that's fine with me for all these groups *except* for atheism because I see atheism as the neutral position so to fly the atheist flag before oneself is to fly an empty banner devoid of any meaning whatsoever.

For me, the mistake in atheism is touting that you are an atheist in the first place, because for my mind, the atheist represents the "clean-slate", the pristine human being that is free to act as an individual in all regards.

In other words, the atheist is free to be an independent and individual observer to all points of view *including* atheism itself even though it doesn't really have a point of view, so to see a lot of people openly declaring that they are individuals is somewhat redundant to my way of thinking.

We all consider ourselves to be "me" from our own point of view, right? So to me, atheism is a label given to declare that you are yourself, that you are your own "me", which is a somewhat redundant label when thought of in that particular context, I mean, you don't go around telling people that you are indeed yourself, that you are indeed your own "me", do you? Imagine that conversation?

"Hi, I'm me!"
"Hi there! I am *also* me!"
"Please to meet you, me!"

But perhaps that is just me and the culture I was raised in because where I live in Australia, religion is generally something that people keep to themselves, which in my personal case may be because I end up correcting people in my life about their own religion when they talk to me about it so they tend not to tell me their (incorrect) ideas about their religion in the first place to save themselves the hassle of being told how they have their religion wrong.

What I am saying is that it has never been necessary to flaunt my lack of belief in gods and such because where I live, in spite of there being a christian majority, there has never really been a need to counter the religious bullshit that can crop up at times that would require that I drop into "atheist-mode" in order to put religion in its place.

A simple and polite "oh just fuck off with that Jesus bullshit!" (yes, that is being polite) is usually sufficient to shut down anybody blabbering on about their Jesus and besides that, in general terms, regular christians in Australia usually do something about the more extremist christians anyway. Like when some dumbarse christians shoot their mouths off over here, it is often the moderate christians telling the extremist christians to sit down and shut the fuck up.

This is something I rarely see elsewhere. From what I have seen online in the USA, it is the atheists that feel compelled enough to tell extremist christians to pull their heads in, the christians in the USA generally avoid speaking out against other christians, now matter how fucked up their fellow "christians" behave, at least in my experience it has been a rare occasion to see a USA christian tell another USA christian to shut the fuck up and stop being a fool.

At any rate the consequence of my rarely needing to "debunk" religion has meant that I have rarely needed to use the anti-religion view point to support my views. Instead, I support my anti-religious views by using a person's own *religion* without getting within cooee of using the atheist/scientific viewpoint at all.

For instance: if some christian were to go on about how evolution is just a theory, then I would say "so fucking what? what the fuck does evolution have to do with christians being good people?" ...

After all, being a good person is the entire point of Jesus' teachings so *whatever* it is that christians bullshit about, if it is *anything* beyond a discussion of how to be a good person, then their argument can and should be summarily dismissed because what they are bullshitting about is irrelevant to the teachings of Jesus so it is *nothing* to do with christianity and means nothing to furthering any argument for christianity.

So for my mind, atheists are going about debunking religion the wrong way in that they do not need to put across their own atheist viewpoint to win a religious argument at all, they don't even need to focus on all the bullshit bad things that religion touts either.

For example: believers don't give a flying fuck about how we would be all inbred if we descended from just two people (Adam and Eve), if anything, they make up some bigger bullshit story to account for this so it is utterly pointless to take the scientific point of view (which the adamant believer refuses to understand anyway) and explain why a diverse genetic sampling is required to make a healthy population of humans. Nor do believers give a fuck that marriage isn't solely defined as being between a man and a woman (eg. King Solomon had how many wives?) nor do believers care that slavery (eg. it is okay to beat your servants as long as they don't die within three days of that beating) and rape are condoned (eg. if you rape a girl, you are obligated to marry her) in the bible...

all believers care about is what they know, and to be brutally honest, when it comes to christianity, believers know little to nothing about their religion nor its origins. All of these little rituals they do (eg. going to church, communion, prayer etc etc) and these holidays that are supposedly celebrated because of Jesus are frivolous and unnecessary and are nothing to do with the actual christian message as taught by Jesus.

In fact pretty much anything that is identified as "christian" these days can be regarded as frivolous and/or an out-right admission that the believer does not comprehend their religion which is by far the easiest way to commit idolatry and break their precious first commandment. Ironic that the people who shout the loudest that they are following Christ's teachings are the ones that are some of the people that are the furthest away from actually following those teachings of Jesus.. Although the irony has worn off for me and it is now the expected behaviour from christians to be utterly oblivious to their pissing all over their precious religion.

An example of frivolous christian bullshit: putting the "Christ" back in Christmas makes me roll my eyes because Christmas is a ritual usurped from the pagan celebration of the winter solstice by the Romans in order to encourage people to be christian three hundred years after the death of Jesus. Giving and receiving gifts once a fracking year to and from people you already know was not the point of Jesus' teachings about loving thy neighbour, you are supposed to give to people who are in *need*, getting an iPod or giving the latest Sony Playstation hardly counts as something you *need* ... Seems to me that people think that they are good christians merely because they do this gift giving thing once a year and that justifies them calling themselves christian for the rest of the year... nope! that is NOT how it works, dickhead. I even get the impression that some people even go to church once in a blue moon and that somehow makes them a good person without actually fucking doing anything for those in need.


Fact is: if you are christian and you are doing good things for those in need, then that is *all* you need to do to be a good christian. Going to church is pointless because Jesus said to not be seen in public offering your praise to him so that others can see that you are a offering praise (that's called "showing off", by the way); catholic communion is another pointless ritual to make it seem like you have taken a vow to your Messiah; even merely saying that you believe in Jesus as a person is a pointless exercise in actual terms of following JC's teachings; nearly everything a christian can bullshit about can be summarily dismissed as nothing to do with JC's teachings of loving thy neighbour aka giving to those in need.

That is the complete extent of what you actually need to know about christianity, so why is that so FUCKING HARD for 2.2 Billion christians to do???

Jesus taught that you are to give to the needy if you want to get to heaven - that is all that is needed to be "christian" and this is the mistake that atheists make, they concentrate on debunking the frivolous rubbish that the believer touts when that frivolous rubbish should be summarily dismissed as nothing to do with what Jesus Christ taught seeing how JC's teachings are the fucking point of christianity....

Do you want proof that Jesus exists and that people actually follow their god? Have a look at how many people live in or near to poverty and you will find that near three billion people are living in poverty, there is your proof that Jesus does not exist, because if Jesus existed, christians would be falling over themselves to make sure that there was no poverty anywhere in the world.

For my mind, as long as there is poverty in this world, Jesus is a myth. In fact, Jesus is a disgusting lie that people follow in lieu of their actually doing something about all the needy people in the world.

Believing in Jesus, for the most part, is how people tell themselves that they are good people because they don't have the courage to acknowledge that they are good people of their own accord, but this label that they throw on themselves means nothing, so we get christians who are abusive and disgusting and hateful who will claim black and blue that they are a follower of Jesus when plain and simply to the eye of anyone with even half an eye open, they are clearly NOT following JC's teachings. It's a guilt trip that people can whip out when they feel guilty about not actually helping the needy.

"Hey I believe in Jesus, so why the fuck should I help the needy, Jesus will be back soon to fix EVERYTHING, real soon, in about five minutes.... just wait ... "

ahem ... NO!

but "Jesus died for my sins" .. ahem... no he did not, the manner in which he died was an *example* of how *christians* are supposed to live their lives and that example he taught was that no matter how much people mistreat you, you will *still* be forgiving of them and that you will NOT raise a hand or even a single thought of violence towards those people that would hurt you.

"Father, forgive them for they know not what they do..."

That is where atheists make their mistake, Jesus will not do squat for this world because Jesus taught his *followers* to fix the world and its problems, so Jesus will *never* magically (re)appear to set things right because fixing the world is what he commanded his followers to do by giving to the needy and that is all there is to christianity, to make arguments beyond that simple concept is to demonstrate your inability to understand the simplicity of what christianity was supposed to fucking be about, which is something that believers need to be taught. ie. either start following the teachings of Jesus Christ or fuck off with this utterly bullshit set of elaborate lies that the christian tells the world because they think they are getting into heaven for merely calling themselves "christian".

If Jesus really does exist, then it is his own followers that are going to hell for pretending to be something that they are not. The atheist should take advantage of the christian inability to follow their own set of rules in disassembling religion and not bother with the petty bullshit that the religious don't give a fuck about either.

the religious should not read these blogs, they *will* be offended

these are my rantings about religion - i speak fluent sarcasm - know this when you are reading and it will save you some heartache.