this is one of many blogs on my ideas about god, and it's rather long. but just remember god is a personal thing so this is from a personal perspective, so there is no right or wrong when it comes to god, it's just that most people are so SMALL minded when it comes to god... especially the ones who claim to believe *in* god!
atheism to me, I should clarify, is not the denial of god(s). sure that can be part of it, depending on the circumstances, but... the way I see it, is that if you deny something, you lend credence to the possibility of its existence, or that you actually do *hate* or have some gripe against this something that you deny and that you deny it to make it go away.
And from personal experience, I know that this is how it works, at least for me, it worked with god by the way, seeing how I used to hate god for all the stupid things that god let happen to me, and to the world. (angry teenage years: an even longer story)
if you truly didn't believe in the existence of god, you wouldn't deny *or* affirm it, as you wouldn't waste your breathe, atheism to me is the neutral position. NEITHER YEA nor NAY.
As an example: an atheist talking going on at length about god, is akin to a "straight" guy going on about homosexuals at length, and what do we know about straight guys that go on about gays? They are either gay and won't admit it to themselves (in spite of everyone else thinking they were gay), or they are worried that they are gay and saying "I am not gay!" or talking about gays in general is merely an affirmation or a mantra they use to make the gay stay away (LOL)... basically what they are worried about is that they don't seem manly enough. boo hoo...
Sooooo... anyone going on about god, especially if they are not prompted to talk about the subject, like me, is probably a closet believer in there being at least some sort of thing out there in the universe that qualifies at least partially as god. like me, they probably won't admit it to themselves, let alone say it out loud, unlike me.
Atheism to me is the complete lack of any thought or speculation at all about god, AT ALL...
an atheist wouldn't spend hours over a period of days and weeks and months writing blogs like I have been known to do that contemplate what this god thing is and an atheist certainly wouldn't emotionally act out over someone's opinion of god because any story about god is complete and utter fiction to an atheist.
When somebody talks to an atheist about god, I would expect the atheist to go "meh! whatever... go away.. god is boring..."
And as such, by this strict definition of an atheist, i don't qualify myself as being an atheist, i don't believe i've ever called myself an atheist, except for about a month, two years ago when i first got onto Myspaz. (and that was just to be part of the crowd)
but i am getting used to the lax interpretation of the term "atheist", but I'm not that impressed by the lax definition. As a demonstration of how I thought an atheist would think:: think of someone who truly believes in something that you know is incredibly absurd, say, the whole universe revolves around the earth, once every 24hrs..
to show you how STUPID that idea actually is, and this is exactly what people thought for hundreds of years and some still do, the following fact would have to be true: everything beyond the orbit of Neptune would need to be going *faster* than the speed of light in order to travel the distance it needs to go around the Earth every 24hrs.
so the mere concept of the universe revolving around the earth is something so bizarre, that when you think about how impossible it is, you feel compelled to *face*palm*... it's not something that you would even think about, because it's SO fucking ridiculous you don't even try to evaluate the mere concept in the first place.
that's how I thought atheists would think in regards to god. The point is, an atheist would find the whole concept of god so stupid that it would never occur to the atheist to think about it in anything more than a passing thought!
so all my bizarre rants about god, for my mind, disqualify me from being a true atheist...
but it seems i was sort of wrong though, as "atheists" these days go around saying "fuck you god", and "stick it up your arse god" and "god gives good head", "Jesus is gay!"
"He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts."--["IT", Stephen King]
so because of my constant contemplations about god, it makes me consider myself un-atheist.. *face*palms* .. unatheist? .. *rolls*eyes* ... yep...
but truth be known I BELIEVE IN THE ONE *TRUE* GOD.... whatever that is... and since god can never been known, that statement means nothing...
try that on the fundies.. don't tell them the punch line obviously... they'll ask: what is this god's name? (they will think it's Satan!) and then you say: "BLASPHEMY!! one does not speak what one can not know, the *Very* name of god is nothing worthy of a mere mortal. It would take an aeon to just say the name of god anyway" or "god does not make such things known to mortals" or "god has no known name because names were something humans invented" ... be creative
in other words, i don't know what to believe... I do like to speculate but i don't care to believe in intangible beings that seem rather inferior and too limited for the likes of something called "god"... people think too small when it comes to god, "god made the universe? wow! is that all? what else did it do? this *is* god we're talking about, right? so what else has it done? it's been around *forever* and it's *only* made our universe? but it's *god*??? this god has been around for trillions of years but the only thing it's done was this six days of creating stuff? YAWN!"
I like to place my trust in real things... like The Force!
i don't believe *in* god. i don't believe *in* science. i don't believe *in* you, I don't believe *in* me. I don't believe *IN* anything what so ever....
oh wait! did I say I don't believe in *me*? i try to believe in myself - but that's a personal problem - and yes that may just be exactly how i came to this line of thinking - but the way i see "believing in" things is this, you have to have 100% trust in that something, to believe *in* that something..
that's what faith is all about, right?
the religious keep claiming their god is absolute and their faith is absolute, and that nothing can shake their faith in god, right? so isn't "faith" 100% trust in something? and when it comes to god, that trust is completely blind.
well... that's the theory.. and remember religion and god are TWO DIFFERENT things
what I'd like to believe, is that the universe is god and that we should all worship it, but not with prayers and silly rituals, we should worship it by respecting it! And seeing how we are all part of the universe, we can start by respecting each other as equals, as we are all, technically part of god.
So being the only sentient beings in the universe that we know of, we make up the collective conscious mind of god.
the only thing you can have trust in 100% fully, is something that you make up yourself.
Why *else* are we *so* devastated when the perfect person for us doesn't want us any more or even at all in the first place? This idea of this person who is perfect for us in every way, actually turns out to be .... *wrong* .... *GASPS*FOR*AIR* NO!!!
But why is that if you never spoken to them or even met them? how can someone who you've had little to no personal interaction with, possibly have any sort of control over you??
Because *EVERYTHING* we "know" and *LIKE* about that person, well, WE MADE IT UP.
more than that, WE MADE UP WHAT WE WANTED THAT PERSON TO BE, as we didn't just make an educated guess about so and so and consider what was possible with this person - we made up the very first thing that we wanted to have as an "attribute" of this person - we made it such that in our minds, this person is our honey, our lover, our world, the very air we breathe or indeed the other extreme and that this person is our nemesis, our bane, our ultimate pain in our arse.
But the truth is that this person wouldn't think twice about you, or ever, they wouldn't even recognise you if they passed you in the street. They might think "who's that freak staring at me?" and promptly forget about you two seconds later.
Is not god is an extreme version of this made up lover/friend??
That something that you keep having trust in 100% of the time is only trustworthy because *you* keep changing its parameters to meet *your* needs on the fly, or *you* alter and filter out external concepts that contradict this thing *you* admire - eg. Jesus says to love everyone, so why do people claiming to follow Jesus have problems with homosexuals? when that chick you are stalking, files a restraining order against you, do you assume that she **must** be playing hard to get??
ie. we see what we want to see... we don't see the reality of this image that we've created...
So it would seem that the "absolute" god of the religious NUTTERS, is created relativistically and on the fly as the need arises, and this absolute god, is probably uniquely created by every person who is a believer, in much the same way that someone "loves" someone else that they have never even spoken to before.
Sure, all christians may have a *similar* god, with *similar* properties and they might all just call it the same thing ie. "god".. but I suspect that there are hundreds of thousands of different versions of this "same" god, possibly even millions. possibly even 2.2 billion versions of it ... 3.3 billion if you count Muslims as having the same god as the christian god...
It'd be good if we could do a survey of ten million christians to see just how many properties of god they can list to see just how different each person regards their god.
An absolute and true god would have the exact same answers for every survey completed if these were true followers of god, right? It *is* the one and same god, right? so everyone should have the exact same idea if it's the same god, riiighhhhhht??????
this is one of many reasons why i can not believe "in" any religion - i don't listen to anyone else about anything, not without making up my own mind about it first, not unless I'm shown the facts of something there is no way I am just going to take some arbitrary thing on board as a legitimate concern in this universe and I am certainly not going to make fucking dumbarse religion fruit cakes exempt from the logic chip on my shoulder.
Or if I don't get a strong grasp of some concept in science (relatively, evolution rah rah rah), I won't accept it completely either, no way! those things go into the "I'll figure that shit out later" bucket, however, I do NOT stress over not knowing or if these "sciences" are incomplete or if I don't fully understand them.
For example it's often claimed that there are gaps in evolution, well, so what, it doesn't render the whole theory invalid! and seriously, what science is 100% completely explained anyway? well? ... Figuring this shit out is the FUN thing about science!! I certainly won't claim the slightest bit faith in something I have no understanding or knowledge of whatsoever, so why pretend to be religious if i'm just going to go with what I want to do anyway?
How absolutely pathetic of the religious to be claiming some higher source of morality or knowledge but then they just go with whatever the fuck they want to go with anyway... what's that about? What was the thou shalt not bear false witness?
i mean after all, the religious quite often claim god's morals are absolute, the "word" of god is absolute, god's power is absolute, god this absolute, god that absolute.. yadda yadda yadda ... don't take my word for it, just ask them!!
so i say let's hold the fuckers to their "absolutes" .. i love the word 'absolute' as it qualifies the word it describes
eg. "absolute darkness" == 100% darkness
absolute darkness leaves no room for even the slightest bit of light... it may be a pitch black dark night, but the stars are out, nope, that's not absolute darkness. The same is claimed of the "absolute" word of god... it's 100% infallible!! but that's not how it really is, is it?
the religious claim a "perfect" god, with a "perfect" word. These are absolutes, show me one absolute that's not exclusively in your mind. Eg. Absolute Zero, that's the coldest temp possible, but to my knowledge, it has never *actually* been achieved, has it? Even the coldest parts of space are a degree or two above absolute zero. Scientists haven't yet got something cooled down to absolute zero, they've come close though, *really* close. So while absolute zero may actually exist, and may actually be possible to achieve, but the only place it can possibly be achieved at the moment is in somebody's imagination because that's the only place the conditions to create absolute zero could exist.
So indeed if one full stop is half missing from this perfect word of god, then this perfect word being the word of god is a lie, is it not?
But technicalities (honest mistranslations, spelling mistakes) are irrelevant as to why any scripture from any religion claiming to be the word of god is a lie...
The religious "word of god" is often written in parables and metaphors with cryptic references to a period in time where much of the events that have been and gone, have been lost to us forever.
So even if some religious text was indeed the actual literal "word" of god, human interpretation is vague and unreliable, therefore humankind itself renders this perfect "word" of god a lie because a perfect word of god would be interpreted how god meant it to be interpreted by every single person, the same way, every single time, without fail, because it's supposed to be *perfect*. How can it be perfect if it's misunderstood by even the dumbest imbecile?
Ergo: The word of god is not perfect because we are not perfect.
if god wanted people to follow him and praise him - it should have insisted on the use of words with one or two syllables with the occasional three syllable word every now and then, no parables, no metaphors, no cryptic puzzles, no occasional genocides, the perfect "scripture" of god should have been be dumbarse proof... (and god wouldn't be so fucking angry all the time.)
but that's not how it is, because if it was that simple, god could then truly claim to hate those that deliberately reject its word, as no-one would have an excuse for not understanding this "Word", because if they didn't get it, they would be dumbarse ignorant morons with little more brain power than a flea.
take special note of the I don't believe '"*IN*"' bit... believing *IN* something requires you to make assumptions to fill in the "gaps", and how do we, as humans, fill in those gaps?
we fill in those gaps with our knowledge based on our emotions, we fill in those gaps with ourselves - with our own personal experiences - with how we *want* those gaps to be filled in - often with massive bias in favour of our own egos and often lacking practical or common sense.
i believe that's why people can outright lie and call god or god's word "perfect" ... because the bits of scripture that don't make sense or they haven't read, or have misread, it's *all* perfect to them because that's how their god works.
This is what we have all been told, god is *perfect* - of course god is perfect - if it wasn't perfect - it's not god. Which makes me wonder why we need to state that god is perfect in the first place, the word "god" should already defined to include the definition "perfect" by default. So for me, anyone talking about the "perfect" word of god doesn't truly believe that it really is perfect because if it is a given, why even mention that? Do you see and hear people telling other people that the sun will rise tomorrow? Of course the sun is going to rise tomorrow, so I can only assume that anybody saying that the sun is going to rise tomorrow is actually only saying such a thing because they don't truly believe that and they want to convince themselves by saying that well known fact out loud as an affirmation.
*Whatever* defining characteristics the religious make up about their god: it is "perfect", because their absolute god will always be "perfect" in their relativistic minds - and god is just a detached bit of someone's ego that claims itself to be the "perfect god"...
So of course god is perfect - it can never fail - and if it's not perfect enough - it can become *more* perfect! Such is the nature of the bias humans have toward things they worship. Girls, boys, god, Justin Beiber, whatever...
god, is only in the mind, so calling a god that is attached to a religion, "perfect", is probably one of the most arrogant things anyone can say, as that person is calling a part of themselves, to be "god", a "perfect" god at that ... they are claiming a bit of their *OWN* egos as being *perfect* and to further that notion: because it is there god, it is *their* religion so they feel compelled to pass the alleged word of god on to others. People aren't asking you to accept the word of any actual god, they are asking you to accept the word of god that just also happens to be their *ego*.
yes! the extremeness with which people are up themselves is beyond me at times.
and if there really is a god, attaching a religion to it implies that that particular religion is *the* religion - it's *god* after all - but that also puts a "limit" on god, does it not?
god supposedly has no limits, so isn't it reasonable to think that attaching a god to a religion, negates the all powerfulness of this god? does not attaching a religion to god, in fact, insult the very concept of god? does not attaching a worldly thing - a mortal thing - to a god, drag that god down to our level?
Or instead, does it perhaps, elevate the believer up closer to becoming god themselves? Which would imply that the believer elevates themselves above the non-believer, which is *exactly* what the religious do... whether they realise or not
"You need to believe in Jesus, or you're going to hell" is merely religious speak for "I'm better than you because I believe in Jesus!" ... (replace "Jesus" in the previous sentence with your favourite deity as is necessary)
This *must* be why people often react in outbursts when their god is questioned, we are offending the bit of their brain that thinks it is *god*, it's a very personal and shocking insult to have your almighty and infallible and perfect god get trodden on by a mere sentence.
the same thing probably happened with that friend of yours when you were a kid that your parents told you was no good, but you stuck up for this friend anyway.. this is also similar to when a husband who beats his wife and yet this particular wife sticks up for their husband when someone has a go at him for beating the shit out of her, "oh but he loves me!" ... Yeah, great logic... if you are put down, beaten, insulted, whatever by this god/person, but then you act out to defend them when someone else attacks them, well that's just not healthy..
This god seems to have a very strong control over those who lash out, leading to the conclusion that this god is closely linked to the fear centre of their brain.
This bit of their ego protects them, a person's religious god(s) are an emotional shield for their weak minds and weak minds are driven by fear, and fear, is the path to the Dark Side, which sounds somewhat corny, but Yoda knows his shit! LOL!
look at the things that people do in the name of their god - a fully conscious rational mind would not do these nut-zoid things and yes people *just* go crazy and that has nothing to do with religion at all, but Jesus H Christ!! - the news stories of people who merely "just" go crazy are few and far between as compared to people who did some crazy religious thing that they were inspired to do because of their holy scripture...
we've all heard tales of religious morons.. the guy that kept a dead woman in a toilet for months, because he wanted to give god a chance to revive her (he wanted to give god a *chance* implies that he does not much faith in that god); or what about that woman who killed her children before they sinned so they would get into heaven (didn't she trust her god to instruct her about how to raise her children to be decent kids?); the guy who cut his hand off for sinning with it; that dude who wouldn't get a small tumour operated upon because it's against his religion to have a blood transfusion, that tumour grew to be the bulk of his head (yeah god fucked up my face, so who am *I* to go have god's shoddy work corrected?)... there are heaps of these people.
We attempt to fill in these gaps of unknown knowledge with ourselves, with our *feelings*, with our *experience* and then somehow we think our feelings have become knowledge. We believe *IN* things because we are inspired by our feelings. Someone can tell you that they love you, and you can love them in return merely for showing you that much love, but it's their actions that speak loudest to actually make you believe that they do indeed love you.
Like believing in yourself, belief in god has to be balanced as well, the best religious people, do NOT dwell over their Messiahs and their gods, they are too busy living the life that their all loving god wants them to live.
Now with god, seeing how we actually know nothing at all about the actual god, *everything* is filled in with our feelings, with what we *feel* to be the right thing. These speculations about god are especially shaped around our deepest and most gripping fears. Seriously, what thing written about god isn't speculation? So isn't everything possibly 'known' about god, something someone made up?
fear of dying? god deals with that shit, so let's shove that bunch of yucky thoughts over to live with the bit of our ego we call god, no worries, fear of loss? fear of the unknown? just shove all of those icky thoughts over to this detached god ego thing, so god can look after it.. no wucking furries, sawright?
now this may work in a relatively pleasant society, where people tend to get along, but when religious opinions mix freely, expect some serious out pouring of this acting out on fears, I've seen it, if you're reading this online then you probably have seen it too, again it's that small 1% that are being as loud (or louder) than the other 99% christians or otherwise religious people that are too busy minding their own business to be a religious pain in the arse.
the inverse religious fundamentalist law... the disproportionate religious extremist factor, the theory that speculates that it is indeed the loudest, the craziest, the most extreme 1% of any religion, that can and do speak and act as much and as loudly and as often as the other 99% combined.
Every fundamentalist is driven by their "god ego", so when confronted with a blatant contradiction, the need to act out is paramount to create some sort of retribution to punish those who have sinned against their god-ego in order to protect that fragile ego, ie. them and their ego in a sort of "dog chasing its own tail" dance, sort of like a "mental feedback" loop..
everything about god is speculation, because if it's not, then feel free to show me this knowledge that not a speculation about god...
and no, the clouds are not evidence of god, your feelings are not evidence of god either.
When your god is actually your ego, god is self referring, like the bible is the word of god, because the bible says so.. it is often a loop people can not get out of, and they are so crippled by it, then don't even know they in a feedback loop.
nut case believers who believe in god, do so because their ego tells them to believe in god, but god *is* in their ego, no wonder the religious don't realise what they do...
if I believed "in" a "god" being like fundamentalist religionists do, I would be believing in a detached bit of my own ego, what is more self righteous than that?
I do, however, believe there *could* be a actual god. But in saying that, however, not one idea i've heard about god does justice to the concept of "god". I'm of the opinion, "god made the universe you say, is that it? Is that all your precious god has ever done? sheesh.. not much of a god, is it? just one universe, this god of yours sounds like a pretty lame god to me"
I do accept that most of the knowledge that science presents to us, is indeed our best explanation for the universe around us, AT THE MOMENT. But I don't believe *IN* science, as that implies I would be devastated if it actually was wrong, or didn't exist, or was just in my imagination, as my faith would be removed like a jet suddenly losing its engines, I would be in free fall, I would be without a soul if i was detached from my precious god...
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