Tuesday, 11 September 2012

no point claiming what you have no right to claim (religiorant)

you have to laugh at people who defend their christianity without ever actually being an actual christian themselves, I mean, there are christians who worry that christianity will disappear if non-believers get their way... and they worry about such trivial things like the "War on Christmas?" ... ahem ... seriously, guys, Christmas was created by the Romans a few hundred years after JC supposedly died to make it easier for the pagans to assimilate christianity, so it wasn't actually part of Christianity in the first place.

... but ...

the strange thing about people and their objections that christianity might die off, is that there is *already* no such thing as christianity, at least not how the Jesus Christ character from the bible taught it, at least, not in the "Western" world.

Most of the other Jesus characters that alleged christians boast about believing in, seem to be only vaguely based on the bible-Jesus, because for the most part, most of the christians that I am aware of have made up their own Jesus, right there in their heads because how else would this Jesus of theirs just happen to share all the same likes and dislikes that they do if they didn't invent him themselves?

"If god didn't exist, it would be necessary to invent him..."--[Voltaire]

Yes, I am saying that some people believe in god for the very purpose of justifying their bigotry.

Like those religious people who are against homosexuality because god says its "wrong".. well, even *if* it is wrong, what do other people's relationships have to do with you? And furthermore, even *if* it is against the will of god, then this will be sorted out by god itself, at some later time so the fact is that believers are only being busy-bodies by telling others that they are sinning, at least in my experience. Either that, or they don't really believe that their god will actually punish the sinners at some point in the future so they (have to) do it instead.. you know, just in case god doesn't get the chance.

Believers should keep their judgements to themselves because I don't ever recall the Jesus from the bible being hateful towards any particular sort of person, in fact, didn't this Jesus guy say something about forgiving them? so, ahem, if christians are to follow his example, they shouldn't be judging others, they should be compassionate and understanding and helpful towards others, so just how can they be hateful towards anybody simply because they don't like particular types of people when it goes right against the fundamentals of what their Jesus taught?

And no, you don't get to be a bastard to someone and then say that you love them or that Jesus loves them or whatever other godly orientated excuse you can come up with to justify your hatred because if you were truly following this Jesus guy, you wouldn't have hated people so much that you would need to vocalise or write about your hatred in the first place... Personal hatred I can understand, ie. when you know the person, *personally*, but to hate a whole "type" of person, without knowing any of them... what was that judge not lest thee be judged yourself thing?

Remember the Good Samaritan? ... the point is that Jesus didn't care *what* people believed in, he cared that you help people in need when you can. A lot of "good" christians seem to have forgotten the Good Samaritan parable....

A lot of christians also seem to forget that their values are *christian* religious values, I don't follow your religion, your religion only applies to *YOU*, if you want to impose your religious values upon me then you are saying that your religion is *the* religion.

For this, I would need proof that your religion is the religion because as far as I am concerned, you aren't even following your own religion anyway, so either show to me how you honour this JC guy's teachings or stop pretending to follow him because even if your religion is the religion, then "so what?" - you aren't following it properly, so why should I follow it improperly as well?

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Oh .. and if you do actually show me how you honour the teachings of Jesus, then you have actually failed at showing me how you honour the teachings of your Messiah ...

Matthew 6:1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

... or the more easily understood ... "you aren't getting into heaven if you show off that you do good deeds"...

and one could further imply from the above bible verse that merely saying that you are christian and not doing good deeds is far worse. And merely just saying that you are a christian, would seem to be the vast majority of christians that I know about.

I mean seriously, if all two billion christians gave a measly ten dollars a year to a central charity that could give to the poor, then worldwide poverty could be dealt a savage blow but clearly poverty hasn't been eliminated which says to me that christians are not doing their sacred duty so how do they expect to get into this heaven of theirs when they didn't try very hard at actually earning entry to said place of eternal peace?

If I were christian, I wouldn't be expecting Jesus to be coming back any time soon, considering that christians knowingly allow people in need to continue to be in need and yet, the biggest concern among christians these days is how Christ is being taken out of Christmas?

How about putting the Christ back into Christianity? That would be far more useful, because you can't merely just be a christian - you have to actually *do* something for those who aren't as well off as you are... that's my understanding of christianity and that is exactly why I don't call myself christian. I would be lying to myself if I were to call myself "christian", it would be like wearing a cheap suit from K-Mart with an "Armani" label tacked on to make it look like I was da 'shiz.

Don't get me wrong, that cheap suit looks good enough to me anyway, so in spite of christians not actually being christian, for the most part, most of them are decent enough people anyway, but the fact is that they are pretending to be christian while there are still needy people in this world, so these feeble excuses people tell themselves as to why they do nothing are just going to piss this Jesus off, if he is in fact real.

Like this bullshit of you just need to believe in Jesus because he died on the cross ... that's fucking offensive ... what a crock of utter shite?!?!!?

The whole point of dying on the cross was to show people how far Jesus expected his followers to go to avoid hurting people! It says so in the very same bible that christians salivate over all the time, so if you missed that bit... read Matthew Chapter 16, the whole fucking chapter, this time.

ie. if you don't understand what you are reading in the bible, you don't get to fucking make up your own interpretation!! Go find several priests and get second, third and fourth opinions.

.... and all of those Jesus-miracles? could it be that they were just to show that Jesus could save himself from persecution if he so chose to do so?

Going as far as Jesus did to avoid hurting anybody who was trying to kill him, set a standard that is way too high for followers of christianity to follow.

JC taught a whole bunch of shit that set the bar so fracking high that no one could claim that they are truly christian, not really.

For starters: JC taught that if you want to follow him and get into heaven, then you need to sell your stuff and give that money to the needy, so what is it with all the christians in their fancy suits with their shiny jewellery with all their little techno gadgets and their fuel guzzling cars and their houses etc etc - what hypocrites!?!

If you are a christian and you can afford the luxuries of life, then don't kid yourself, you know damn well that if you were truly christian you would have given that money to the needy instead of spending it on yourself.

So if you are to claim that you are christian while there are still needy people in this world, you have absolutely no right whatsoever to be proudly stating that you are christian and the reason for this is simple: while there are needy people in the world, that means that there are christians that are not doing their bit to get into heaven.

There are two billion christians, how can there still be poverty anywhere in the world if giving to the needy (aka "love thy neighbour") was being taken seriously?

To boldly and proudly claim that you are christian while you are walking around with more wealth in your pocket than some people have seen in their entire lives is utterly removed from what the christian messiah was trying to teach..

Being greedy is not the meaning of this love thy neighbour thing that Jesus taught. Being selfish is not what Jesus meant when he said go and spread the word, the word was "be nice to everyone, and help those in need" - not annoy the fuck out of people by getting them to "follow Jesus" just by saying that they follow Jesus - you are supposed to spread "the word" by your actions of kindness to others who are in need - if you are not doing that - then you are not christian - plain and simple.

in fact, to even make the claim that you are christian to someone who doesn't know whether you deserve to be called christian or not, sees that you have already failed at actually being christian, because being christian is supposed to be something that you should earn via your actions with your good deeds and goodwill to all people yadda yadda yadda

Being christian can not ever be something that you merely claim and then expect to be taken seriously... *ever*

I mean, I can claim that I am an astronaut, but that doesn't make it so, so if I make the astronomical claim to some stranger that i am an astronaut when I haven't actually done anything that allows me to make that claim, then i should expect to be treated as a bullshit artist until i *can* back up this claim by actually going to space, or at the very least, be actively involved in training to be an astronaut, because if I don't, it also means that *everything* else I say, about anything at all, should *also* be treated with suspicion.

Keeping that astronaut analogy in mind, anyone merely claiming that they are christian is instantly treated with the trepidation that they deserve for making such a spurious claim, because you've not proven yourself as being able to make such a bold claim. Not to me you haven't.

It's like being in court, I may or may not be an outstanding member of society, but if I lie to the judge and I get busted in that lie, then the judge is going to assume that everything I say from that point on is a lie, at the very least, every thing I say is to be taken with a grain of salt. ie. I have told one lie, so the precedent is set, I can't be trusted to be honest, so the judge will expect more lies from me because I have shown that I can not be trusted because I have already told one lie..

And christianity, is one massive lie, especially in the "western" world. There are so many "things" that are tagged as being "christian" these days that are nothing to do with what Jesus actually taught, so much so, that for me, anyone claiming to be "christian" is a matter of .... "meh! .. so what? do you want a gold star or something?"

the word "christian" pretty much means nothing to me now, it's irrevocably tainted. So you are better off keeping your christianity to yourself because this "christianity" tag is just a heads up to the fact that you are more than likely NOT actually following what Jesus taught, ergo, if you tell me that you are christian when I didn't ask you if you were, then I am inclined to think that you are a liar.

The ironic thing here is that if people would show that they deserved to be called a christian, then they would not need to even tell me that they are christian because I probably would have figured it out already in the first place, all by myself, as it's pretty easy to spot people who are as generous as this Jesus Christ character I keep hearing about. In fact, someone who was even half as nice as this Jesus story-book character would stick out like a sore thumb in our self-centred society.

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What's even more ridiculous is that by the christian "rules", these claims of being christian that believers tend to make is not something to be taken lightly, it is their *eternal* souls that they are talking about, they get *one* chance to get it right, so to claim that you are "like Jesus" by saying that you are christian without backing up those claims, is rather unwise, because if indeed this whole Jesus Christ thing does turn out to be true, then the most fucked people on judgement day are going to be the people who merely claimed that they were christian when they did nothing whatsoever to justify making those claims.

Apathetically claiming you are christian is far worse than being a non-believer who did just as much to help the needy as some pretend-christians did, but at least the non-believers didn't prance around telling everyone that they were better than everyone else because they believed in Jesus when others did not believe. What's the fucking point of believing in Jesus if you don't do what your Messiah has commanded you to do?

In fact, given the sheer volume of people claiming to be christian when they are not even close to being Christ like, the wisest course of action, is to not claim you are christian, at all, even if you *are* a christian, as you wouldn't want to be lumped in with the un-Christ-like christian mob, accidentally, should the end of the world or something like that happen.

The way I see it is that you are better off by not making the claim that you are christian because then you are not taking it upon yourself to make the assumption that you are "worthy" of being saved... because, ahem, according to the bible, only Jesus gets to say whether you are worthy or not. So if you self appoint yourself as a christian, then one could speculate that you are saying that you are already bound for heaven. That assumption is idolatrous because you are not god, you are not Jesus, you are pretending to do the job of your god by self-appointing yourself as a christian.

By not making the assumption that you are christian, you are not trying to declare yourself as being worthy, so you are not pretending to be Jesus Christ.

So if this Jesus thing is true and you haven't made the assumption that you are saved, then you are better off because you have not assumed the job of Jesus and declared yourself worthy.

So without making the bold statement that you are saved and are therefore heading towards a christian heaven, then your life is to be judged on what you did, and not some affectation that you wore as some sort of way to affirm that you are "chosen" or "saved" or that indeed, you are better than anybody else because you believe in some arbitrary story book character from thousands of years ago.

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The details of christianity are irrelevant, so to troll through the bible looking for its hidden meaning is an insult to the real Christianity as that Christ guy intended, because the crux of Jesus Christ's teachings is that you are to be good to others, especially to those that are in need, that is what is important. That message isn't hidden, it's there in plain fucking site, if you can't get the whole be-nice-to-everyone-and-that-means-everyone-including-the-gays-blacks-jews-hispanics-atheists-blah-blah-blah, then you are a failure at being christian.

Claiming that you are christian, doesn't make you a good person, in fact, claiming that you are christian when you do not follow the teachings of Jesus is outright blasphemy and in JC's eyes, it makes you a *bad* person.

If you are claiming that you are christian and yet you do not follow the teachings of Jesus from the bible, then you are making up your own version of Jesus, and if you have made up your own Jesus, then that is most definitely a false Jesus, and worshipping false gods (even if you just happen to call that god "Jesus" too) is idolatry, it breaks the first commandment of "love thy god before all others", and the first commandment still applies to any god that you have made up... in fact, it applies especially to gods that you personally make up and breaking that first commandment is one way to certainly make sure that you are going to this hell that the non-believers are so commonly condemned to.

And, by the way, damning people to hell is judging others as being unworthy, which is more idolatry, because to claim with authority that somebody is going to hell, is to claim that you are Jesus Christ himself because according to the bible story, only Jesus gets to say that people are to be sent to hell.

So even if the christian is *right* about a person going to hell, they *still* have no right to pretend to be the messiah by having the arrogant gall to even think that they have the right to sit upon the judgement throne of their precious *god*, let alone go around shouting to the world about who they think is unworthy of eternal peace.

So, if there really is a hell, I would expect it to be full of self-appointed christians who made the boldly arrogant assumption that they were going to heaven when they did nothing whatsoever to deserve to be going to heaven.

Oh, and just because you were born into a christian family or you were told that you were christian, it doesn't make it so either, you still need to earn your christian stripes, *before* you can wear them.

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the religious should not read these blogs, they *will* be offended

these are my rantings about religion - i speak fluent sarcasm - know this when you are reading and it will save you some heartache.