Tuesday, 18 October 2011

god is just your ego, get over yourself .... (religiorant)

there is one easy way to prove that god is not "real", have a look at the christians who aren't being christian and yet they still seem very adamant about saying that they believe in the stories of the bible..

the biggest story they believe, is probably the one where Jesus died for their sins...

no, that's ... not ... quite ... right...

Jesus died as an example of what you need to do, to save yourself from sinning... he wanted christians to go so far as to die on a cross *as*well* !!

"Get thee behind me, Satan!"

remember that one? that's what JC said when Peter dared to mention that Jesus not offer up his life to die on the cross... read the whole bible chapter, and don't just skim for the word "Satan" either... Matthew 16.

basically that chapter says that you can't even sin to save your life, even if your attacker is intentionally inflicting harm upon you. Remember "The Passion"? Remember how Jesus, the supposed son of god, just stood there and let them hurt him? remember that?

he didn't go do anything magical to stop everyone from killing him, he did the most selfless thing of any story that I can think of, he *let* himself be killed and he did that because that is what he wanted *everyone* to do...

That was the point of dying on the cross. Inflict no harm upon others by always showing them love - no matter how badly they are treating you.

The whoosh factor would seem to be very high for most christians

Q: so how can some christian *not* actually follow their Messiah, but then be so adamant about following the Messiah?

A: it's a different Jesus to the one that is supposedly written about in the bible.

The JC that people worship might be based on the dude in the bible, but somehow this Jesus that people openly and loudly believe in, just happens to be exactly what the believer wants him to be, how many christians have openly declared that JC died on the cross for their sins?

What sort of selfish bastard person would even think that, let alone say it out loud? How assuming is that? This heaven of yours, is not cost-free, you gotta fucking earn it, and bragging that you believe in Jesus is *not* how you get into heaven.

Only an extremely egotistical person could possibly think that the entire universe was made for them and them alone and that just by believing in some Messiah figure, they have a permanent direct line to Jesus and eternal life in the after-life.

Yes, of course Jesus is there all the time, it is their ego, pretending to be god itself...

and how can your ego ever be wrong if it thinks it's god?

non-believers aren't any different, not really, everyone is just as selfish as the next person, but at least the non-believers don't call their egos, "god". At least non-believers don't try to bend people to their will whilst unknowingly pretending to be the creator of the fucking universe!


consider that there is no "god", but instead that a particular person's "god" is actually that person's own ego: now apply that thinking here:

what sort of god would forgive all of your sins? - what sort of god would create a universe just for you, put earth right in the exact middle of it, and provide the exact circumstances required just for you and your species to live? - what sort of god just happens to want all the things that you want? - what sort of god has the same moralistic values that you have? - and how could you possibly know the will of that god? - what sort of god makes you a moral person just by believing that it exists? - what sort of god would let you get away with just believing in it, while you are getting the supposed teachings of the god you based your version of god upon so grossly wrong? - and finally, what sort of god just happens to change its mind on all of those things in exact synchronisation with your *current* beliefs throughout your whole *entire* god-believing-life?

How can god change its values in exact co-ordination with *you* if *you* weren't god itself? well?

what sort of god could it be, if that god didn't just happen to be your ego in disguise? god is *you* - it is your *ego* - regardless of whether there really is a god or not

this is the source of my rejection of someone's personal/religious god, it's not that I won't believe in their god, or that I don't believe it even exists, or that it's impossible to exist at all, or that it's fucking stupid; it's just that they aren't following what the god they think that they are following said to do in the first place, they're just following what their ego-god wants them to do...

They are picking and choosing the facets that they want in their god - thus making their own god which just happens to be exactly what their ego wants. The ego and god are in perfect sync because they are the same. It's obvious isn't it?

if you think that *your* word alone on some subject, is in fact the word of god, the only way you could know that for sure is if you were in constant contact with god, that feeling you have of god lurking there with you, well, that's *you*, that's your ego going, "go for it son!"

so if god is your ego, then of course god is "real" to the believer, it is very real in fact, but that does not make it real to anyone else, and speaking as if for god, well, that's bad... m'kay?...


i think the "battles" between believers and non-believers are doomed to always fail as believers and non-believers both argue from their emotional point of view...

but there isn't a common emotional ground between the believer and non-believer when it comes to "believing", so while they may be speaking to each other, they are not communicating...

Nietzsche said something along the lines that if the "tone" of what you are saying is not sympathetic towards the person you are talking to, they will not "hear" what you have to say..

"We often refuse to accept an idea merely because the tone of voice in which it has been expressed is unsympathetic to us." - Friedrich Nietzsche.

believers "believe" because of emotions, so they won't "hear" you unless you are sympathetic to their feelings, because they're selfish, their egos are in control....

"i am god, unless you are nice to me, thou's offensive words shalt not be heard....."--[ego-god]

When a person's ego is their god, well, why do you think some people *SNAP* at the mere scent of an objection to their god existing? we have all seen this plenty of times...

me: bah! the bible is CRAP!
xtian: how dare you say God doesn't exist!
me: uhmm.. i didn't say that, i said the bible is crap!
xtian: there it is, you said it again!
me: uhmm, no just because the bible is crap, there still could be a god
xtian: ohhh... but you should still believe in Jesus...
me: *facepalm*

it happens so much that the above little anecdote is probably a blurring of multiple events, but in essence, it's insulting to the non-believer to talk about belief in fairy tales as if they were fact and it's insulting to the believer to entertain an actual conversation with someone who does not even have beliefs!! perish the thought!

and yes, non-believers also argue from their emotional point of view because non-believers can be passionate about explaining the truth in terms of actual facts, as opposed to say, being passionate for arguing the truth, in terms of old stories, with their own word, or the word of some book that they probably haven't even read or understood even if they did read it, and seriously, none of these scriptures will make sense unless you read the whole chapters, and reading multiple different versions to compare and contrast helps as well. And what believer can actually be bothered to do that? not many - not many at all

if people weren't so passionate about their ideas of the universe and how other people had the "wrong" ideas, then would they bother to try and explain how the other person has it wrong? if they weren't passionate about their point of view, would they even bother to *facepalm* at those who are stupid? would they even bother call them stupid?

would they even bother to say something like....


if they weren't passionate about their "beliefs" in science and reality??

believers argue out of ignorance with what they arrogantly "know" to be true - pride is an emotion, right? pride leads a person to take up the judgemental attitudes of "my way is better" or "my way is god's way"... you keep telling yourself that and you'll put your own ideas first without considering another person's point of view, so a person like this is too prideful and arrogant to accept that they could be wrong....

so some people, when they see something they don't understand or like, they make a judgement based on what their ego tells them about it to try and explain it, which is usually something weak and superfluous...

xtian: "oh god told me that that science of yours is evil!"

me: " uhmmm .... 'god' told you? okay ... uhmm no, not likely! at a rough guess I would say that your ego told you that science is evil because YOU don't understand it. And you don't understand it because you are too lazy to put in the effort to learn about science, or you are too embarrassed to ask about scientific matters now because you used to be one of the ones in class that didn't pay attention or made sure that everyone couldn't learn either, aren't you? so *you* need a really big 'reason' to out-trump the fact that in your ignorance you still don't know anything about science, and so you get this panicked sort of feeling each time you encounter something you just don't understand, and it's like 'oh what the fuck is that, it messes with my mind!! that's scary!! god save me god god pray pray pray god god' ... so you play the 'god card'... 'ah! it's evil! god said it was evil, all is good now!'.... i mean, if the supreme being of the universe says it's evil and you should not worry about it, then who are you to argue, right, at a guess?"

xtian: "ohhhh *you* are evil!"

me: *facepalm* "Hail Satan!"

people get this one idea about god, and their ego just *runs* and goes ballistic with it, because your ego loves this idea of god, it's *awesome*, the ego loves that this god is going to give it everlasting life and that it knows everything, so you don't need to worry about stuff that you don't know, "phooey to you Mr Scientist", and all you have to do is .... believe in it .... and in that moment, your ego, becomes god.... and it will always forgive you as well, no matter how much of a cunt you are to everyone... in fact, it will forgive you especially if you are a cunt


Some believers are addicted, like people are addicted to drugs or chocolate or whatever. Yeah, one more bite of chocolate isn't going to hurt, now is it?

but the god addiction is worse, the ego thinks that it *is* god and it's also feeding that delusion as well, that's how people get to crazy crazy ideas, they just didn't go to the level of thinking in one hit, they get to crazy crazy in degrees.

think of this god-feedback-loop in the same way it would be if you somehow said hello to someone in a magic mirror everyday and not even realise that the person you were talking to, was actually you, and everyday, you would leave this encounter with yourself always feeling, at least, a little bit better about yourself, because that person you see everyday knows exactly what to say to you to give you the pick-me-up that you need.

so to keep the mirror analogy going, the "ego-god" is a reflection of you and everything that *you* want ...

same thing happens to fanatic believers when confronted with the "truth" about god, because what if it turns out that that initial idea, or even one of the subsequent ideas that formed the basis of somebody's belief in god, what if those ideas turn out to be *wrong*? your ego went on this great big rant for decades - poor thing!

so when confronted with this contradiction that it just can't accept after *everything* it went through, after all that time it spent believing in this creature called god, that it would get to this point and *somebody* would then have the audacity to deem the god-ego to be *wrong*.. because if "god" turned out to be wrong, it would call into question *every* other thing in their lives as potentially being wrong as well...

and people can't stand that - it's why they think their lives will collapse without god - being held to ransom by your own mind must be pretty scary.

it's happened to me, kind of, in that I just couldn't accept Einstein's theory of relativity, and I still don't "get" it completely, I thought "well, if it's true, then surely it can be measured?" ... and it has ... Atomic clocks have been used on jet planes and satellites to verify Einstein's theory of relativity, the basic need to account for relativity is because time up in space is moving faster than it is here on earth. Yes - it *is*.

"Relativity is not just some abstract mathematical theory: understanding it is absolutely essential for our global navigation system to work properly!"

good thing my ego wasn't so big that it called itself *god* on the matter of relativity, because then it might say - "no fucking way I was wrong, because *god* also don't either believe in no relativity as well, so how can *I* be wrong, right?"

yes non-believers can be judgemental too, but non-believers don't follow any holy scripture that says they should refrain from being judgemental.

So as a non-believer, when *I* say somebody is wrong, *I* do it in the name of *my* ego, I don't invoke the name of god, my ego is not pretending to be so important that it's in league with or *is* the creator of the frikking universe!

idolatrous, holier-than-thou believers use god to prop up their egos, and being with god gives them a free pass to being absolutely right about the things that their god just happens to believe in as well.

how else can a believer know the will of god? why else would god have made the entire universe just for us? with just the exact right conditions to feed, clothe, heat and water us? with just the right tint of blue in the sky? with just the right shade of grey for the clouds? how else if not for your ego being so up-itself that it would be so conceited as to think that it was *that* special???

so given that their egos are so big, there is no *point* in arguing with extreme believers about my emotional viewpoint on matters of god, science, or history, which is often along the lines of...

oh you stupid fucking dumbarse lying cunt SPACE IS NOT AN OCEAN - you were one of those fucking idiots who didn't fucking pay attention in school, weren't you? you obviously live in a dumb arse part of the world as well - because no-one could possibly fucking say what you just fucking did and think they could get away with it unless you knew that everyone within 50 miles of you believed the same fucking dumbarse thing because no-one would be in their right minds to say such a thing for fear of dropping dead due to pure embarrassment of believing such utter crap!

but in reality, i am much more inclined to 'say' something far more polite...


actually, that's often the last thing those people will see me post, as I block them soon after.... I dwell too much on how people arrive at their dumbarseness - it's not healthy - oh and I just can only escalate from there so rather than have to be rude to them..... well, i'm sure someone told you about the rule of not having anything nice to say, then don't say it, right?

i block people that assume they have something to be offended about when it comes to their precious god. ie. often I will accidentally do some sort of Jedi mind trick on the weak minded (this happens often when you speak fluent Sarcasm) and say something that they over extend into their own personal point of view. eg. a simulated conversation, not too far removed from reality, mind you, as I've had this sort of actual conversation with christians more often than I care to remember:

XTIAN: "'The Force' isn't real"

ME: "LOL at the blasphemy!!!! the bible is a crock of shit too!"

XTIAN: "WHAT! how dare you say god doesn't exist! just who is committing blasphemy?"

ME: "snap! this shit again! No, I didn't say that god does *not* exist, I said the bible is a crock of shit, ie. it's not real!"

XTIAN: "but that would imply that you mean god does not exist"

ME: "no! it does not! just because the bible is a crock of shit, it does not mean that your precious god doesn't exist, I am saying that if your god does exist, that your bible probably has it wrong, at least in some small way such that it is a waste of time to take any of it literally because there is no way to know what is literally accurate or not so you should just ignore the details about the bible and you should just follow the underlying message of peaceful relations with everyone, I mean that was the point of the bible, right?"

XTIAN: "oooohhh i get it, why didn't you just say that in the first place?"

ME: "arrrg! why don't you stop making assumptions, you know, like your precious Jesus said not to do when he said 'judge not lest thee be judged' and maybe you could go buy yourself a sense of humour as well?"

XTIAN: "I'm not making assumptions, Jesus is *real*"

ME: "*facepalms*"

XTIAN: "what's a facepalm?"

ME: *blocks*

so *yeah* god is real, it's your real fucking ego!!....

and here's the "proof", because if god wasn't in the ego, then there would be no need to go on a rant about god not existing when "provoked" by the slightest inference that god doesn't exist, and if I didn't have an ego I wouldn't be here complaining that people were calling their own frikking egos, "god"!! a true believer in god, would just accept that there *is* a god, and set about at least trying to do what the basic message of the religion for that god taught, and in the case of christianity, the underlying message is "be frikking nice!"

given that believers can't even discuss their religion civilly, there is no *point* in arguing the non-believers' emotional point of view. in essence, the non-believer needs to combine their logic and wisdom, with their own compassion in being able to put themselves into the mindset of what-ever religion the believer they are arguing with, actually teaches.

in other words: it's easy to tell someone that they *are* stupid pricks for believing, but there is no point unless you can speak to them on their own level, about their own emotional needs for believing in the first place.

well there is one point, some people actually do need to be treated like children, at least sometimes:

XTIAN: "i heard that the stars twinkle because the earth's magnetic field is unstable and failing!"

ME: "no no no, that's just not true, the stars don't twinkle because of that! where the frak did you get that stupid idea?" ..

XTIAN: "oh, my uhmm, my dad said it" ..

ME: "well, you tell your dad, that the stars twinkle because of the heat in the atmosphere, it's the same sort of thing that happens when you see the heat coming off the road or the stove, the heated air distorts the light coming from further away because all the molecules are buzzing around so much from the heat, that the air becomes some sort of fuzzy lens that is constantly moving around because of the wind, and that's why the stars twinkle, the air is flying around up there, with pockets of warmer or colder air, and as it passes through those pockets of different temperature air, it makes the light bounce off into different directions, randomly." ...

XTIAN: "oh my dad said not to listen to people like you with your science and logic, he said you were agents of Satan, and that it was god's will that the magnetic field fail because we're all sinners!" ..

ME: *facepalms* ... "whatever! and 'yes' I will have fries with that, that's why I asked for the 'value meal', and 'no' I didn't ask for a coke, I wanted a water, which is why i said 'with a water'... maybe if you had paid attention in school you'd be able to concentrate for the ten seconds it *should* have taken for me to place my order?"

XTIAN: "oh, I am still at school!"

ME: *grrrrr*

the true trick to the religious war, is to argue from the emotional standpoint of the religious person, because you won't change somebody's mind with your little facts and empirical evidence..


no, the tides go in and out because of the moon
no, the moon stays in orbit because of earth
no, the earth stays in orbit because of the sun
no, the sun stays in orbit of the galaxy because of the combined mass of many stars and a super massive black-hole at the centre of the milky way
no, you don't "got me", the milky way is gravitationally bound to other galaxies in the immediate region of galactic space
no, the local group of galaxies is bound gravitationally to the Virgo galactic super cluster
no, the Virgo group is attracted to an area of space called the "Great Attractor"
no, you don't "got me now", it just means that we don't know yet.

if anything, what should be done when challenged by someone who is just going to contradict everything you say is, "I'm not playing this game of yours, you've obviously got the internet, type 'tides moon earth gravity' into the search bar of your browser, and go figure it out yourself, come back with specific questions, if you must"...

so I say, *let* them have their precious god, but argue with them on *their* emotional level, argue knowing full well that this god of theirs, is their ego...

tell them *how* they have their religion wrong, instead of merely saying *that* they have their religion wrong.

for instance:

I would say to Bill O'Reilly, "Bill, what the frak does the tides coming and going have to do with actually following Jesus' teachings of 'love thy neighbour'?"

to people going on about how the frikking year is proof of Jesus I would say "ahem, guys, what does the year have to do with actually following Jesus' teachings of 'love thy neighbour'?

to people who say "Praise Jesus" all the time; "what does just saying 'Praise Jesus' have to do with actually following Jesus' teachings of 'love thy neighbour'?"

one simple question:

what does *any* of what some christian is rambling on about, have to do with actually following Jesus' teachings of 'love thy neighbour'?

well? could it be "nothing"? well, could you stop committing idolatry then? because if there really is a Jesus, you're just pissing him the-fuck off!

this is my wager;

it's better to not follow any religion whatsoever, than it is to choose one of the many, and make the wrong decision, or even make the right decision but then just not bother to actually follow that religion correctly...


Jesus was that dude who was so bereft of selfishness, that he didn't even try to save himself from being murdered on the cross... which was the whole point of the dying on the cross metaphor, and yet, ironically, the most ego-less character of all time, Jesus Christ, is the same guy that a large proportion of Western society is selfishly just saying that they believe in

Jesus was saying; "here I am, I died on the cross, not for your sins, but as an example of selflessness, in order to give you an example of the sort of behaviour you should aspire to, to stop you from committing sin in the first place"

and who is to say, that just because Jesus forgives you, that you have escaped your punishment, anyway? what sort of Jesus would forgive you, and let you get away with all the bullshit you've done in your life, other than the Jesus-god-ego creature you worship?

god is in the ego....

mostly written 29th Jan 2011, mostly... you know, christians should probably stop telling me to read their bible....

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the religious should not read these blogs, they *will* be offended

these are my rantings about religion - i speak fluent sarcasm - know this when you are reading and it will save you some heartache.