i have often seemed to have rattled the faith of the religious, with mere words, even *accidentally* at times, without even trying
and I've even seen "christians" getting upset and going on rants at and over atheists for no apparent reason other than because atheists EXIST!
but "why is that a problem?", you say?
well, it would be fine if these ranting believers were piping up in response to some *specific* thing that they have a problem with ....
but the very fact that atheists exist?
how does one even argue with such a vague point of view when these believers have their faith rattled even before you speak to them? ie. by doing nothing whatsoever, non-believers are able to rattle the faith of the "faithful" ...
did you read that?
doing *NOTHING*AT*ALL* is all it takes to upset some people and their religion.
this is a problem, these people choose to willingly be upset over *nothing* ...
that's like a little child in the middle of a temper tantrum saying
"look what you made me do!"
I didn't make you do anything, you still *chose* to react in anger. That was a choice and it was *your* choice.
It was *your* choice to chuck a spaz, I didn't hold a gun to your head and *make* you have a temper tantrum over your religion and/or your god - you did that all by *yourself* !
so given that doing nothing can upset some of the religious fruit cakes, i try to avoid using any words in every day language that may upset and rattle those stupid fucking religious morons (and just because people are religious it doesn't instantly make them morons, however, there are religious people who are morons, and that is who i speak about here)
which is ironic - because no matter what the fuck i say about someone's religion or their faith, even if I'm being deliberately antagonistic, if they feel the need to deem me "wrong" by getting upset in any way shape or form, then they are showing that they are lacking "faith"..
"I find your lack of faith disturbing!"
--Darth Vader
sure I can be offensive and people have the right to be offended at my words, but at least in terms of christianity, they should prove that they truly are *christian* by walking away, or more correctly, they should invite me to think of something more offensive than what I've just said and make me hang myself upon my own anger.. "turn the other cheek" and such, right? ...
and Muslims are just as bad, they claim to have a religion of peace, so if I were to anger a Muslim, then they can prove that their religion is truly a religion of peace by walking away no matter what the fuck I say about this piss poor religion of theirs that they think is "peaceful" ...
but is that what they do? The fucking riots in the streets of Pakistan in protest of DRAWINGS would seem to indicate that Muslims want anything but peaceful relations with the rest of the world.
Seriously Islam needs to take a chill pill over the whole pictures of Muhammad thing, as they risk bringing the issue to more people's attention with their whinging about cartoons, which will in turn, show more people just how stupid Islam is - thus leading to more incidents where they will get mocked!
The religious should not wonder why they should keep their religion to themselves.
Islam itself may be peaceful and it very well may just teach peaceful notions in amongst all those verses about smiting at the neck of your enemies (ie. beheadings) and whatever else it says - but there are Muslims that don't embrace the notion of peace who *DO* enact violence in the name of their religious fantasy - but the other Muslims, ie. the majority, who actually are peaceful do nothing about their extremists and yet they get upset and say "WE'RE NOT ALL TERRORISTS!" - oh is that fucking right? then why doesn't the majority fucking do something about those extremists?
a lack of objection to the actions of the extremist members of your religion, CONDONES their behaviour..
Like if somebody does something bad in the name of Jesus and every other christian ignores that, that says to me that the christian majority don't give a rats arse that that someone has done something bad in the name of Jesus BECAUSE THEY FUCKING AGREE WITH THEIR MOTIVES, because if you *disagreed*, would you not say something?
got that?
if you don't do anything about the problem children in your group, expect other groups to say that your group of people are fucked up, and that is *not* because of this one person and the bad shit they did, but because the rest of you in that group don't seem to give a fuck about the bad shit they did.
it's an extreme case of the "buddy system" - he's my buddy - so I don't dob on him, just in case he turns on me and kills me dead while I have my back turned to him, so I'm better off just shutting the fucking hell up, lest I get myself and my whole family killed.. which is exactly what happens in Islam is this day and age and is what happened centuries ago in christianity . How many stories have we heard of someone in an Islamic country standing up to the way their country is being influenced by religion, only to see that they get thrown behind bars, tortured, or even killed for their troubles?
If you don't believe that shit like this happens today, then please, do us a favour and shove your head back up your arse where you have been keeping it for all that time you had it up there such that you didn't notice the world around you.
who am I when it comes to a religion??
I'm a nobody in terms of religious faith, I don't know of gods other than what I've read from little religio-story books and anecdotes - therefore, I don't *know* religious faith - I don't know other people's feelings about their faith - I have no idea!! so how can I, someone who knows nothing about a person's faith, rattle that faith??
if you know your enemy's strategy you can often wear him down with little effort - this is kind of like that, except here you do not even know that you even had an enemy and somehow you can wear down that guy without even knowing that you are wearing him down.
so how the hell can I rattle someone's "faith", if they truly have faith???
Someone walks up to you in the street and says your mother is a whore, unless that person *KNOWS* your mother personally, then how would they even know? they are just making up bullshit to try to rile you up!! They are trying to make you bite! This is also called "fishing" or more accurately - "shit stirring"
in the same way, only the people who know how to push your buttons, know how to get you the most upset.
and yet, there are childish religious morons that I can still send flying into flurries of fury, how is that possible if I don't even know your faith? that would be like some astrophysicist throwing a temper tantrum after being told that the moon was made of cheese.. NO IT'S NOT MAD OF CHESE YOU FUCKING PEACVE OF SHUITE YTOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT SIECNCE U JUST HSUT THE FUCK UOP!!!
If an astrophysicist got upset at somebody's claim that the moon was made of cheese, would you not have to wonder if that person was only merely saying that they were an astrophysicist??
Perhaps they used to think it was made of cheese as a child, and now they get upset at themselves in retrospect when other people propose the "moon == cheese" idea?
eg. i've sometimes said "there is no god" and people have bounced off the walls in anger over that, and yet, when people say "there is a god", I'm of the opinion that they may be right, they are probably not, but it doesn't bother me....
if you want to believe in a fantasy to make yourself feel better, then go for it, I'm not stopping you, and I couldn't even if I wanted to, OH WAIT! IT SEEMS THAT "YES" I CAN!
If you can get upset at anything I say about your precious faith/god, then you are admitting that you don't really have faith. And if there *really* was a god, I'd be cast into the pits of hell at god's discretion, not at the whims and idle threats of some bitchy whiny arse pants fucktard religious moron.
when people get upset, could it be that the truth hurts? and that people don't really believe in what they say they believe in? you don't really believe in something if you need to get upset about someone refuting that thing, right?
getting upset means that your position is weak, or that you are lacking the ability to defend it, and if you can't defend your position, it indicates your uncertainty about your position.
so given those circumstances above, who is the person with more actual faith (not religiously, but in general terms) in what they believe in?
is it the person who says "DONT YHOU SAY SHI5T ABOIT MY GOD YIOU FILTHY GODF HATER YOUR GOING TO EHLLLLLL SCUM BSAGH!!!" or is it the person who says "you are entitled to believe what you want, because as long as you not are hurting anybody, I don't give a fucking rat's arse what you believe!!!"
well? who has the better position in passing along their thoughts? the person shouting at you, who can't even type straight, or is it the person calmly having a conversation with you, regardless of them and their fucking vulgar profanity??
in fact, if you feel the need to make any insults at me when I don't agree with your faith, then you are embarrassing yourself because you should take insults against your faith (or lack thereof, for that matter) in your stride, but clearly, the majority of people purporting to be believers can not do this... which in turn says to me that they don't really believe in an actual god, but rather, their god is merely their ego.
in fact, when a believer insults me, they are in fact insulting themselves more than they insult me, but I doubt these "believers" would realise though... blinders are rather - blinding - especially when you, yourself, have put them into place with super-glue with some catch-all solution called "god".
If you can have your faith rattled *that* easily, then you should probably keep it to yourself, because announcing that you have faith, especially when nobody was talking about faith to begin with, merely says to me that you don't have faith.
and in some countries you will get mocked for confessing you have faith.. because you've just said something that isn't dissimilar to an adult saying "I believe in SANTA CLAUS!" .. eg. the last time someone confessed to having "faith" around me, I didn't get the chance to say anything, as somebody else beat me to it, and he wasn't even as half as nice as I was going to be about it.
in much the same way, a wise person would never say that they are wise, why would they need to? they don't need to brag that they are wise, as their actions and words indicate their wisdom, so anybody trying to tell you that they *are* wise, should be considered anything but wise, especially if you don't know them!
point being, is that if I can rattle the faith of the faithful, then that means that what I am saying is somehow more important than what their god has allegedly taught them, or what I've said was beyond their level of understanding of their god, all of which proves that god is completely in the mind of the believer, which clearly makes "faith" and god easily subjected to a person's emotions, because if a person was truly a believer in god, they would laugh off anything I have to say about their "faith", at the worst, they should be merely puzzled by my lack of faith in much the same way that I am often dumbfounded by how fucking stupid people of "faith" can be at times.
see, when I have a temper tantrum, there is a specific thing I'm tantruming about, when the religious have a fucking SPAT - they would never be able to put their finger on what is actually bothering them, seeing how god is in their brain, and sticking their fingers in their brain, would probably cause (more) damage...
mostly written 2010-09-09, mostly ...
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