Sunday, 22 January 2012

was anybody ever following what Jesus said to do? (religiorant)

when one says that they follow Christ but then they don't follow what he taught, one makes up their own version of Jesus, do they not?

isn't making up your own god the very definition of idolatry?

In essence, any "christian" who does not follow the second commandment of "love thy neighbour" and yet still claims to "follow Jesus" also breaks the first commandment because they have made up their own, personal Jesus...

This is a false Jesus.

It might be close to the biblical Jesus, but if you are not following what he said to do, then your Jesus is a false Jesus.

the whole non-violence thing Jesus went through by dying on the cross, was not to give some sort of get-out-of-hell-free card to those who simply believed in Christ, what Jesus was trying to teach was that dying up on the cross was the extreme that he wanted *everyone* to go to in order to avoid enacting violence upon others. The whole purpose of the miracles was to show that he was powerful and that he *could* have done something to stop people from trying to kill him, but he chose not to defend himself by breaking the cycle of violence and he let himself be killed...

when you look at christianity that way, it would seem that little to nobody is actually following anything that this superhero Jesus guy taught anyway..

So was anybody, *ever* following what Jesus taught?

I mean, the majority of people will at least try to stick up for themselves when they are persecuted. So does it not make sense that anybody who was actually following Jesus' teachings, would find themselves "naturally selected" out of existence anyway?

that I feel, is the key to unravelling christianity, once and for all, point out that no-one is actually following it anyway.

It would seem to be a waste of time to be harping over petty things like the physics of Noah's flood or how we'd all be inbred if we were initially spawned from a mere two people and how christians conveniently ignore all of those things that are supposedly abominations in the Old Testament, except those abominations that suit their particular flavour of bigotry, of course...

If you truly want to put an end to christianity, you'll point out to the user that it has already ended because no-one is actually following what this fabled Jesus guy of theirs actually taught.

Jesus taught things like giving away all your money to the no-good free loaders, that is what christians are supposed to do if they want to get into heaven, it was only Jesus' lazy arse followers who ever said that you can get away with just believing, Jesus said you had to actually *do* something nice for the needy to get into heaven...

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the religious should not read these blogs, they *will* be offended

these are my rantings about religion - i speak fluent sarcasm - know this when you are reading and it will save you some heartache.