Saturday, 14 January 2012

who the fuck is Tom Tebow? (religiorant)

DENVER (CBS Denver) — Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow is not the only one who thinks God helps him on the football field.

According to a national telephone survey conducted by Poll Position, 43 percent of people believe that “divine intervention” is responsible for his success compared to 42 percent of people surveyed who think that God has nothing to do with Tebow winning.

-- from Poll Finds 43 Percent Of People Believe God Helps Tebow Win

i am certain that 43% is not reflective of the true extent of this problem in the USA as i suspect that people would not say "yes, god helps Tebow" if they were fans of some other football team or didn't like football at all, so i expect that this *facepalm* attitude to faith to be much more prevalent - perhaps even as many as 99% of US christians have their religion so wrong that according to their rule book, there is no way they are going to this heaven of theirs..

christians don't carry on like this in Australia anywhere near as much as the USA - idiot christians getting their religion wrong seem to be few and far between over here and the religious majority usually deal with them anyway - in my experience, a non-believer rarely needs to be the one to tell fundamentalist christian idiots to "pull their head in" over here

the problem i have with prayer is that people are praying for trivial things that they want to get... seriously? .. a football game? finding your keys? not missing the bus? .. come on people, such trivialities? ... i always thought that prayer was supposed to be reserved for being thankful for very personal stuff like you and your family's health and/or for the food in front of you - maybe it's me that is the idiot?

maybe Tebow is praying that he is grateful that his leg didn't fall off? i could accept that, but regardless, he does this prayer bullcrap in front of thousands of people, this is blatantly showing off that you are a believer to win the favour of the masses - to add insult to injury, this Jesus guy even taught that you should *not* do exactly what this Tebow clown is doing in Mathew 6:5, the specific purpose of which was to teach that you should not show off that you are a believer as it makes others like/love/respect/trust you for doing some trivial thing that means nothing.

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the religious should not read these blogs, they *will* be offended

these are my rantings about religion - i speak fluent sarcasm - know this when you are reading and it will save you some heartache.